Thesis survey/Recension des theses.

  1. Doctoral Theses / Theses de doctorat

    Abbay, Futsum. Disability Rights in Africa: Towards Citizenship Approach, McGill University.

    Adusei, Poku. Pharmaceutical Patent Protection and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Laws, Institutions, Practices and Politics, McGill University.

    Al Attar Ahmed, Mohsen. On the Road to Cultural Absolutism? The Challenge of Legal Acculturation to Cultural Identity, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Arabaghian, Anouche. L'identite europeenne : un developpement progressif par la citoyennete et la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union europeenne, Universite de Montreal.

    Baril, Jean. Droit d'acces a l'information environnementale : pierre d'assise du developpement durable, Universite Laval.

    Ben Adiba, Aurore. Les suretes mobilieres sur les biens incorporels. Propositions pour une renovation du systeme des suretes mobilieres en France et au Quebec, Universite de Montreal.

    Bennett, Mark. Legal Positivism and the Rule of Law: The Hartian Response to Fuller's Challenge, University of Toronto.

    Bergeron, Philippe. Les licenciements collectifs au Quebec : portee et efficacite de la regle de droit, Universite de Montreal.

    Bhouri, Houda. Les integrations economiques regionales a l'ere de l'OMC. L'evolution de l'article XXIV, Universite Laval.

    Biron, Julie. L'activisme actionnarial : une perspective canadienne, Universite de Montreal.

    Brudner Nadler, Jennifer. Freedom and Obligation in the Novels of Henry James: A Literary Perspective on Private Law, University of Toronto.

    Ezeudu, Martin-Joe. Transnational Trade Regulation as a Model for Peace and Transparency: The Case of the Niger Delta and an Oil Certification Regime, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Ferreira, Patricia. Breaking the Weak Governance Curse: Using Unconventional Global Regulation to Facilitate Governance Reform in Resource-rich Developing Countries, University of Toronto.

    Giroux, Marie Helene. Protection des minorites et pluralisme nationale en Europe : l'influence decisive des institutions europeennes sur les regimes de protection des minorites en France et en Hongrie, Universite de Montreal.

    Gratton, Eloise. Redefining Personal Information in the Context of the Internet, Universite de Montreal.

    Hardcastle, Lorian. Canadian Governmental Health Sector Liability, University of Toronto.

    Houde, Marie. Les logiques de la rationalite judiciaire dans l'appreciation du temoignage. Le cas de la preuve par recits oraux dans le contentieux relatif aux droits des peuples autochtones, Universite Laval.

    Hudson, Graham. The Art of Persuasion: International/Comparative Human Rights, the Supreme Court of Canada and the Reconstitution of the Canadian Security Certificate Regime, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Johnston, Jeremy. Land Servitudes: The Case for Reform by Statute, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Karazivan, Noura. Of Law and Land and the Scope of Charter Rights, Universite de Montreal.

    Kislowicz, Howard. Social Processes in Canadian Religious Freedom Litigation: Plural Laws, Multicultural Communications, and Civic Belonging, University of Toronto.

    McMorrow, Thomas Bernard. Critical to What? Legal for Whom? Examining the Implications of a Critical Legal Pluralism for Re-Imagining the Role of High School Students in Education Law, McGill University.

    Motard, Genevieve. Le principe de personnalite des lois comme voie d'emancipation des peuples autochtones? Analyse critique des ententes d'autonomie gouvernementale au Canada, Universite Laval.

    Nkounkou, Euloge Anicet. La stabilisation des investissements petroliers et miniers transnationaux : des contrats aux traites, Universite Laval.

    Promislow, Janna. I Smooth'd Him up with Fair Words: Intersocietal Law, from Fur Trade to Treaty, Osgoode Hall Law School.

    Rousseau, Guillaume. L'etat unitaire et la decentralisation en France et au Quebec : identite nationale et identites regionales, Universite de Sherbrooke.

    Samson, Melanie. Les interactions de la Charte des droits et libertes de la personne avec le Code civil du Quebec : une harmonie a concretiser, Universite Laval.

    Sinel, Zoe. Understanding Private Law's Remedies, University of Toronto.

    Valsan, Remus. Understanding Fiduciary Duties: Conflict of Interest and Proper Exercise of Judgment in Private Law, McGill University.

    Vega Cardenas, Yenny. La construction sociale du statut juridique de l'eau : le cas du Quebec et du Mexique, Universite de Montreal.

    Verville, Sophie. Le respect de la propriete intellectuelle d'autrui dans la vente internationale de marchandises : une approche de la Convention de Vienne coordonnee avec le droit de la propriete intellectuelle, Universite Laval.

    Vezina, Edith. L'evolution des systemes de paiement : vers un systeme de paiement international d'importance systemique operant en milieu ouvert, Universite Laval.

    Widell, Jonathan. Jacques Verges, Devil's Advocat: A Psychohistory of Verges' Judicial Strategy, McGill University.

    Wright, Philip. A Clash of Two Imperatives: The Right to Know Versus the Need to Keep Secret in the Context of Criminal Law and National Security Matters, Queen's University.

  2. Master's Theses / Memoires de maitrise

    Abbamonte, Claire. L'influence du droit de la concurrence sur le droit d'auteur, Universite de Sherbrooke.

    Adams, Lorrie. Distinguishing Employees and Independent Contractors for the Purposes of Employment Standards Legislation, University of Alberta.

    Adams, Nkasi. Guyana's REDD+ Model and AmerIndian Rights, University of Saskatchewan.

    Adamson, Bryce. The New Zealand Food Bill and Global Administrative Law: A Recipe for Democratic Engagement?, University of Toronto.

    Adimazoya, Theodore. Governance of Resource Revenues in Ghana's Mineral and Petroleum Sectors, University of Calgary.

    Ahmari-Moghaddam, Ali. Towards International Islamic...

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