About the author

AuthorW.H. Charles
About the Author
Professor W.H. Charles received his LLM from Harvard Universit y and
Michigan Law School. In 1983, he w as appointed as a Queen’s Counsel, and in
2001 he received his LLD (Hon) from Dalhousie University. After teaching at
Dalhousie Law School for over thirty yea rs, he became Dean of the Faculty
of Law. After retiring f rom teaching full-time, he was appointed as professor
emeritus at the Dalhousie Law School. Professor Charles has w ritten several
books and articles, par ticularly with reference to personal injur y damages.
He has held numerous prestigious positions on various commissions and
boards, including serv ing as president of the Law Reform Commission of
Nova Scotia and chair of the Nova Scotia Env ironmental Assessment Board.

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