About the authors

AuthorSteve Coughlan; Glen Luther
Steve Coughla n is a professor at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie
University. He is the author of Criminal Procedure (Irwin Law, 2008, 2012,
and 2016) and many other books, as well a s a co-author of the Annual Re-
view of Criminal Law. He is one of the editors of the Criminal Reports a nd
is a co-author of the National Judicial Institute Criminal L aw Essential s
e-letter. He is the recipient of a number of teaching awards, including
the Association of Atlantic Universities Disti nguished Teacher Award.
Glen Luther, QC, is an associate professor at the College of Law, Uni-
versity of Saskatchewan. He ha s previously taught at several law schools,
including Osgoode Hall Law School, the University of Calgary, and Vic-
toria University in New Zealand. He has extensive criminal l itigation
experience in Alber ta and Saskatchewan, a nd has argued cases at all
levels of courts. Professor Luther has received several awards for teach-
ing excellence, and in 2009 was appointed Queen’s Counsel by the Gov-
ernment of Saskatchewan.

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