
AuthorDavid C. Young
Any prefatory note wou ld be remiss wit hout mentioning those who con-
tributed to th is book. Each of the aut hors has a dema nding academ ic or
legal career, and I a cknowledge and appreci ate their respective eort s in
bringing t o fruition their ch apters.
I also extend a s incere debt of gratit ude to Je Miller a nd the entire
team at Irw in Law. From the rst i nstance I pitched t his idea, Je was
unbelievably s upportive and has been rem arkably patient as the book ha s
unfolde d.
I also need to th ank Wendy Kraglu nd-Gauthier for her outst anding
proofreadi ng and editing of the  rst draft of t he manuscript. Her keen e ye
for detail i s without equal!
As for my fami ly, I would like to recogn ize the love of my parent s,
Clarke and Ba rbara Ann Young, and my la te grandmother, Em ma Dawson.
It goes almost wit hout saying that the love a nd support of my wife Lori
and daughter Em ma have truly made t his project possible. On more than
one occasion they overlooked a nd tolerated my absence as I enga ged in
writing a nd research. For this an d too many other things to n ame, I dedi-
cate this book to t hem.
David C. Young
St Franc is Xavier University

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