
AuthorJohn S. Tyhurst
The writing of thi s book was greatly assisted by the support of the Com-
mon Law Section of University of Ottawa Faculty of Law. This aorded
invaluable access to the university l ibraries, quiet oce space, and most
importantly in t his digital age (and during a pandemic), electronic legal
and economic research tools.
My sincere thanks to t he following, who reviewed and provided help-
ful comments on draft ch apters or parts thereof: Andy Bazili auskas, Tara
DiBenedetto, Ann Chaplin, Pier re-Yves Guay, Paul Johnson, Adrian John-
ston, Derek Leschinsky, and Steve Sansom. My thanks as well to Lesley
Steeve and her skilled team at Irw in for their patience and contributions
during the editing process. Any errors or oversights remain mine.
I am indebted to the professors who sparked my interest in compe-
tition law, regulation and economics during my university yea rs: Bill
Stanbury and Gideon Rosenbluth at UBC; Bruce Dun lop, Michael Tre-
bilcock, David McQueen, and Hudson Janis ch at U of T; and Julius Grey
at McGill. William J Miller, a mentor and friend from my f‌irst years at
the Department of Justice, was al so an inspiration as the quintessenti al
competition law litigator. When Bill passed away suddenly a few years
ago, his wife Joan generously donated an award — and a book prize from
Bill’s extensive personal libra ry — for the Competition Law class at the
University of Ottawa. I have also appreci ated the on-going contributions
of Chief Justice Paul Crampton and Susan Hutton in the presentation of
the Competition Law course at the University.
John S Tyhurst
Decemb er 2020

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