
AuthorJ. Anthony VanDuzer
I would like to thank Derek Smith for hi s assistance in reviewing a
draft of Chapter 13 for the fourth edition of thi s book, and John Weir,
who made some helpful suggestions for new material to i nclude in this
edition. I am also very g rateful for the dedication and hard work of the
research assistants who helped me with t his edition: Cameron Draper-
Chislett and Fraser Mas sie. This edition benef‌itted substant ially from
the careful and meticulous work of my main ed itor at Irwin Law, Alisa
Pose sorski.
I remain indebted to Anita A nand, Kim Cunning ton-Taylor, David
Debenham, Jeremy Farr, Marc LeBla nc, Jeffrey MacIntosh, Douglas Scott,
Derek Smith (again), Thierry Dorval, Sean Wise, and Jacob Ziegel, who
were kind enough to review chapters for the f‌irst, second, and t hird
editions; and my research a ssistants who worked on the f‌irst three edi-
tions: Adam Barker, Goldie Bassi, Stephen Hug, Michael McGraw, Arend
Wakeford, and Jaqueline Yost. Any errors, of course, remain my sole
respon sibilit y.
I gratefully acknowledge the support of the Common Law Section
at the University of Ottawa; the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
(where most of the f‌irst edition of this book was written); and Macleod
Dixon. I was assisted substantially by f‌i nancial support from the L aw
Foundation of Ontario for the f‌irst three ed itions, and for the second
edition, from the Foundation for Legal Research.
J Anthony VanDuzer
Ottawa, July 2018

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