
AuthorSasha Baglay/Martin Jones
While having our na mes on the cover indicates our willingness to ac-
cept full responsibilit y for any errors, a large number of individual s
have assisted, supported, and inspired our writ ing of this book. The
following is a necessar ily incomplete list of these individuals.
Our f‌irst acknowledgement must go to our publisher. In particular,
we are indebted to Jeffrey Miller who ever so patiently and w ith good hu-
mour dealt with our queries and reque sts for deadline extensions. With-
out his wholehearted commitment to this book, it would neither have
been written nor published. We would also like to tha nk our editors
Jo Roberts (the f‌irst edition of the book) and Kate Revington and Al isa
Posesorski (the second edition) for managing to wrestle the stylistic
peccadillos of two authors into the si ngle unif‌ied text that is before you.
We would also like to thank our fami lies, friends, and colleag ues
for all their support, love, and inspiration in our lives.
Beyond those whom we are able to thank explicitly are the count-
less individual s who have made it possible to write about the f‌ield of
refugee law in Canada at al l. The contributions of these advocates, jur-
ists, and claim ants are acknowledged too incompletely in the footnotes
of this book. Ultimately, it is to these indiv iduals who have come before
us — and who will come after us — t hat this book is dedicated.
March 2017
Sasha Baglay
Toronto, Canada
Martin Jones
Yor k, UK

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