
AuthorJamie Cassels
A number of student researchers helped me wit h the f‌irst edition of
this book during several years of research leading up to its publica-
tion. Kerry Hillier, Pam Cyr, and Phil Kennedy provided substant ial
assistance dur ing this stage, and my colleague Murray Rank in furnished
valuable suggestions and editorial assistance. Special thank s go to
Constance Ladell, who worked with me on virtually every part of the
f‌irst edition, and without whose help I could never have completed it
on time. And, speaki ng of time, my greatest debt of appreciation is to
Erin Shaw for helping me to f‌ind the time when I needed it and for giv-
ing me the personal support to carry through this project. I also want
to recognize the huge contribution of Professor Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey
to the second and third editions. She played the major role in bring-
ing the work up-to-date and introduced improvements to the an alysis
offered in the origina l work.
J Cassels
Thanks to President Ca ssels for the invitation to partner with him for
the subsequent editions of thi s book, now in its third edit ion. It has
been a truly wonderful ex perience for me! President Cassels and I a re
grateful for the research assistance provided by Ola Stoklosa, Vivian
Lee, and Sara Cox in preparation of the third edition. I also th ank my
partner, Paul Adjin-Tettey, and daughter, Naa Adjin-Tettey, for their
support while I worked on this project.
E Adjin-Tettey

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