
AuthorJudith Daylen, Wendy van Tongeren Harvey, and Dennis O'Toole
    together with the help of many talented people. We
thank Diane Sirkia who assisted u s with research; Brian Sutherland who in
the early stages took our rough data and turned them into a manuscript;
Jane Cameron and Catherine MacArthur whose computer skills brought
consistency to the work; and Keren Freed who helped with the initial edit-
ing. We thank Jane Howard Baker and Laurie Soper who helped reframe
the book at t he early stages . Keith Beale provided thoughtf ul drawin gs that
illustrated the points made and, although we did not include them in the
nal manuscript, we appreciate his contributions.
We are also indebte d to respected colleag ues who provided invalua ble
feedback and comments: Randy Macko, Brenda Knight, John Yuille,
Donna Diggens, Anne Sheane, Laura Woods, Diane Turner, Gisela Rueb-
saat, Linda Light, Georgia Peters, and Nick Bala .
We would also like to thank the Honourable Claire L’Heureux-Dubé,
who provided a fore word to this book and ha s inspired many wit h her pas-
sionate, creative, tempered, and principled legal works.
We particularly want to thank our spouses, John Yuille, Leo van Ton-
geren, and Donna Diggens, and our families for their support, patience,
and generosity in allowing this exercise to unfold to completion.
Judith Daylen
Wendy van Tongeren Harvey
Dennis O’Toole

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