
AuthorConstance Backhouse
I have theirown idiosyncratic preferencesfors eing
I prefer to write while looking through a wi ndow. I roll my computer right
uptothe bestwindowI canndand roottheresurrou ndedbyboxesand
books This book has been w rien in front of many wonderful windows
Itbegan inPerthWestern Australiain fromalibrary windowin an
artistscoagethat lookedoutonoweringhedgessurroundedby raucous
birdsIt movedin toaw indowinOawa whichlookedonto anup
per wooden balcony with squirrels, crows, and pine cones, facing south
overthebeautifulR ideauRiverIttookavemonthsojourn inMontréalin
where itlookedoutfroma garretabovea threesto riedmetalst airrail
ingFortherst fewmonthslayersoffrostand iceimpededallviewWith
spring, the window magically opened to the bu stle of St. Urbain St reet in the
months to the medieval town of Lunel in the south of France. There I looked
downfromthecentur iesoldstonebalconyofaformerécurie, onto a private
courtyardw ithtoweringlaureland bambootreesMy gazewouldwander
to the fountain with a gargoyle frequented by white doves. Each window has
added its distinctive cachet to the migrating m ixture that became this book.
Many people have also contributed enormously to this book. First and
foremost, the creative and brilliant researc h assistants whose work has
helped to unearth much of the detail sur rounding these cases: Monda Halp

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