
Section  of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms — our con-
stitutional equal ity rights guarantee — came i nto force on  April .
Marking the twentieth anniversary of sect ion , this book celebrates both
a generation of constitutional protection for equality rights and also t he
generations of equality-seekers and advocates who have helped to build the
foundation for substantive equality in Canada.
On the sa me day in April  that section  came into force, the
Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund I nc./Fonds DAction et
DÉducation Juridiques pour les Femmes (LEAF/FAEJ) was founded as
a national, federally incorporated, non-prot advocacy organization to se-
cure equal rights for women in Canada as guaranteed by the Charter. To
this end, LEAF engages in equa lity rights litigation, research, and public
education. Commencing w ith the Supreme Court of Canada’s landmark
case in Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia, []  S .C.R. ,
LEAF has contributed to the development of equality rights jurisprudence
and the meani ng of substantive equality in Canada. LEA F has developed
and advocated equal ity rights arguments i n contexts where sex inequality
is compounded by other dynamics of discrimination such as race, cla ss,
aboriginal status, sexual orientation, and disabi lity. LEAF is a leader in
developing leg al theory and litigation strategies t hat recognize women’s
diversity, and that address the ways i n which inequality manifests itself in
women’s lives. We hope that this book wil l build on t hat legacy and con-
tribute to the next generation of advocacy for substantive equality and pub-
lic education on equality law.
is book grew out of a group initiative by LEA F’s National Legal
Committee to study the impact and future implications to equality jur is-
prudence of the Supreme Court of Canad a’s  rul ing in Law v. Can ada.
Colloquially referred to as “e Law Project,” this initiative has truly been
a collective eort which could not have been realized without the contribu-
tions of many ded icated volunteers. Special thanks are given to the LEAF
Foundation for its na ncial support of the Law Project, the national con-

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