
AuthorDavid M. Tanovich
The writing of this book was made possible in large part
by the generous support of the Law Foundation of Ontario. This
funding allowed me over the last two years to work with a number
of bright and energetic Windsor Law School research assistants,
includin g Alex Procope, Sarah Vokey, Michelle Booth, Cherie
Daniel, and Tim Morgan. Special thanks to Alex, the book’s pri-
mary student researcher, whose dedication, thoroughness, and
insightful reading greatly improved this book.
Many friends and colleagues supported this project in different
ways. Rose Voyvodic and Brian Etherington read the entire manu-
script, and Liz Sheehy, Reem Bahdi, Don Stuart, Constance Back-
house, Riad Saloojee, Aaron Dhir, and Dean Beeby commented
on parts of it. Dean Bruce Elman ensured that I had all of the re-
search help I required. Many others provided support, including
my assistant Mary Mitchell, human rights lawyer Selwy n Pieters,
and Saman Wickramasinghe, a third-year student who read the
manuscript with a critical eye. The Ottawa Law Review a llowed
me to include parts of chapter 9 from an article I published in
volume 36 of the journal.
My publishers, Bill Kaplan and Jeff Miller of Irwin Law, were
engaged and enthusiastic about this book. In particular, Bill’s role
as a mentor and critic went well beyond that expected of a pub-

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