Appendix A. Selected provisions of the immigration and refugee protection act

AuthorSasha Baglay/Martin Jones
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
2001, c. 27
[Assented to 1 November 2001, as subsequently amended,
as of 15 February 2017]
An Act respecting im migration to Canada a nd the granting of refugee
protection to persons who are displaced, per secuted or in danger
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Sen ate and
House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short Title
1. This Act may be cited as the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
2. (1) The def‌initions in t his subsection apply in this Act.
Board means the Immig ration and Refugee Board, which consists of the
Refugee Protection Division, Refugee Appeal D ivision, Immigration Di-
vision and Immigr ation Appeal Division.
Convention Against Torture means the Convention Again st Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, signed
at New York on December 10, 1984. Article 1 of the Convention Against
Torture is set out in the schedule.
designated foreign national has the meaning assigned by subsection
20. 1(2)
foreign national means a person who is not a Canadian citizen or a per-
manent resident, and includes a stateless person.
permanent reside nt means a person who has acquired permanent resi-
dent status and has not subsequently lost t hat status under section 46.
Refuge e Conven tion means the United Nations Convention Relating to
the Status of Refugees, signed at Geneva on July 28, 1951, and the Pro-
tocol to that Convention, signed at New York on January 31, 1967. Sec-
tions E and F of Article 1 of the Refugee Convention are set out in the
. . .
Objectives and Application
Objectives — immigration
3. (1) The objectives of this Act with re spect to immigration are
(a) to permit Canad a to pursue the maximum social, cultura l and
economic benef‌its of im migrat ion;
(b) to enrich and strengthen t he social and cultural f abric of
Canadian society, while respecting the federal, biling ual and
multicult ural ch aracter of Canad a;
(b.1) to support and assist the development of minority off‌icial lan-
guages communities in Ca nada;
(c) to support the development of a strong and prosperous Can-
adian economy, in which the benef‌its of immigration are
shared across all regions of Canada;
(d) to see that famil ies are reunited in Canad a;
(e) to promote the succes sful integration of perma nent residents
into Canada, while recogn izing that integ ration involves mu-
tual obligations for new immigra nts and Canadia n society;
(f) to support, by means of consistent standards and prompt
processing, the attainment of immigration goals est ablished
by the Government of Canada in consultation with the prov-
(g) to facilitate the entry of vi sitors, students and temporary
workers for purposes such as trade, commerce, touri sm, inter-
Selected Prov isions of the Immigration and Refugee Protec tion Act 453
national understanding and cultural, educational a nd scien-
tif‌ic activities;
(h) to protect public health and safety and to maintain t he secur-
ity of Canadian society;
(i) to promote international just ice and security by fostering re-
spect for human rights and by denying access to Canadi an
territory to persons who are crimina ls or security risks; and
(j) to work in cooperat ion with the provinces to secure b etter
recognition of the foreign credentials of permanent residents
and their more rapid integration into society.
Objectives — refugees
(2) The objectives of this Act w ith respect to refugees are
(a) to recog nize that the refugee program is in the f‌irst in stance
about saving lives and offering protection to the displaced and
(b) to fulf‌il Canad a’s international legal obligations with re spect
to refugees and aff‌irm Canada’s commitment to international
efforts to provide assistance to those in need of resettlement;
(c) to grant, as a fundamental expression of Canada’s humanitar-
ian ideals, fair con sideration to those who come to Canada
claiming persecution;
(d) to offer safe haven to persons with a wel l-founded fear of perse-
cution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or
membership in a particu lar social group, as well as those at risk
of torture or cruel and unusual t reatment or punishment;
(e) to establish fair and eff‌icient procedures that will m aintain the
integrity of the Can adian refugee protection system, while up-
holding Canada’s respect for the human rights and fundamen-
tal freedoms of all human beings;
(f) to support the self-suff‌iciency and the social and economic
well-being of refugees by facilitating reunif‌ication with t heir
family members in Ca nada;
(g) to protect the health and safety of Canadians and to mai ntain
the security of Can adian society; and
(h) to promote internat ional just ice and security by denying access
to Canadian ter ritory to persons, includi ng refugee claimants,
who are security ri sks or serious criminals.

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