Blood Cannabinoids

AuthorJames G. Wigmore
 2
Blood Cannabinoids
The concentrations of THC and other cannabinoids in the blood are
approximately , times less than that of alcohol. Hence, the meth-
ods used to analyze a lcohol, such as headspace gas chromatog raphy and
the breathalyzer, do not apply to this drug. Instead, blood ca nnabinoid
analysis requires more sensitive and sophisticated instruments, such as
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatog-
raphy-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) or even LC-MS-MS. Cannabinoid
concentrations dif‌fer in blood compared to serum/plasma as they are
bound to carrier proteins found in the serum/plasma portion of the
blood and not the red blood cells.
The analyses of THC and other ca nnabinoids are conducted by immuno-
assays (as a screen) and then conf‌irmed by laboratory-based ma ss spec-
trometers of one type or another. The f‌irst type of immunoassay was
RIA or radio-immunoassay (). Other immunoassay techniques
include ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), EMIT (enzyme-
multiplied immunoassay technique) or FPIA (f‌luorescence polarization
immunoa ssay).
Various types of mass spec trographic techniques are employed
for the conf‌irmation and quantif‌ication of the immunoassay screens
(-). An automated method has been described ().

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