Books received/Livres recus.

Books Received/Livres recus--

Understanding Youth and Crime: Listening to Youth?, 2nd ed. Sheila Brown. Maidenhead, U.K.: Open University Press. 2005.

lustifiable Force: The Practical Guide to the Law of Sdf Defence. Rob Manning. Chichester, U.K.: Barry Rose Law Publishers. 2005.

Global Surveillance and Policing: Borders, Security, Identity. Edited by Elia Zureik and Mark B. Salter. Cullompton, U.K.: Willan Publishing. 2005.

Crime and Justice: 1750-1950. Barry Godfrey and Paul Lawrence. Cullompton, U.K.: Willan Publishing. 2005.

Global Biopiracy: Patents, Plants, and Indigenous Knowledge. Ikechi Mgbeoji. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2006.

Unfinished Constitutional Business? Rethinking Indigenous Self-Determination. Edited by Barbara A. Hocking. Canberra, Australia: Aboriginal Studies Press. 2005.

Genetic Testing and the Criminal Law. Edited by Don...

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