Chapter Twenty-one

AuthorRichard D. Schneider
Cae Tny-oe
   his trial, Daniel M’Naughten – “this wretched crim-
inal,” as e Times described himwas removed from Newgate Pris-
on. He received the information that he was to be taken to Bethlehem
Hospital “with evident satisfaction, and walked with a quick rm step
to the outer prison gate where a hackney cabriolet was waiting for
him.” e governor of the prison, a Mr. Cope, accompanied the pris-
oner and upon arriving at the hospital handed him over to the cus-
tody of the hospital governor, who conveyed him to the section of the
building reserved for “criminal lunatics” where an apartment had been
prepared for him, a cell previously occupied “by several of the more
notorious criminals of late years,” but a commodious space nonetheless
on the ground oor of the hospital.
Following his committal, e Times gave its readers a glimpse of
M’Naughten’s rst few days at Bethlehem:
He was constantly watched by two turnkeys who were relieved every
 hours, and with these individuals the wretched man at all times
entered into conversation with considerable alacrity. He frequently
made inquiries as to the political movements which were going on,
and manifested great anxiety when in the performance of their duty
the ocers attempted to evade answering his questions. His excite-
ment when conversing on this subject appears to have impressed all
those who were brought into contact with him, with a belief that his
mind was aected.
His conversation is generally stated to have been extremely inter-
esting, frequently turning on mechanical subjects; but it is a curious
circumstance, that on one occasion only did he allude to the fearful
crime committed by himself, and then only in the most unconcerned

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