
Melina Buckley, BA, MA, LLB, PhD, is a law yer and legal policy consultant
and is currently associated with the Vancouver f‌irm Ca mp Fiorante Mat-
thews. She was cal led to the bar in Ontario in 1990 and is a lso a member of
the British Columbia Bar. She has ach ieved recognition through public in-
terest litigation and through nation al and international legal resea rch and
law reform initiatives. She has lectured across Can ada and is a published
author on equality rights, constitutional law, access to justice and legal
aid, and Canad ian and international hum an rights law. She has worked on
a number of curricu lum development projects in these f‌ields.
Richard Devlin is a professor of law at the Schulich School of Law, Dal-
housie University. In 2005, he was appointed a Dalhou sie University
research professor, and this position was renewed in 2010. His area s of
teaching include contracts, jur isprudence, legal ethics, and graduate stud-
ies. In 2008, he was a recipient of the Canad ian Association of Law Teach-
ers Award for Academic Excellence. Recent books include editing Critical
Disability Theory (Vancouver: UBC Press , 2006) and Lawyers’ Ethics and
Professional Regulation (Toronto: LexisNexis Can ada, 2008).
Adam M. Dodek is an associate professor at the University of Ot tawa’s
Faculty of Law (Common Law Section) where he teaches public law, legal
ethics, and a semina r on the Supreme Court of Canada . Professor Dodek
is a member of the Chief Justice of Ontar io’s Advisory Committee on

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