
AuthorDavid C. Young
Brenda Bowlby was a member of Hic ks Morley, an employment, labou r,
and education law r m, until she ret ired from the par tnership in 2015 after
thir ty-three year s. Her practice involved representing school boa rds, and
she built the r m’s special education pract ice, appearin g before the On-
tario Speci al Education Tribunal on numerou s occasions and representi ng
school boards i n signicant court ca ses and Human Right s Tribunal cases
involving spe cial education i ssues. Among the ca ses she has arg ued is Eaton
v Brant County Board of Education (star ting with the Special E ducation Tri-
bunal of Onta rio and concluding in the Supreme Cour t of Canada), which
remains Ca nada’s leading case on specia l education law. She is a co-author
of An Educator’s Guide to Special Education and An Educator’s Guide to Human
Rights Law, both in their se cond editions.
Nora M Findlay, PhD, has recently ret ired after ser ving more than t wenty-
ve years as an educ ator and school-based admin istrator in Sask atchewan.
She is a recipient of a SSHRC (Socia l Sciences and Huma nities Researc h
Council) doctora l fellowship and a CAPSLE (Ca nadian Association for t he
Practica l Study of Law in Educat ion) fellowship. She has a lso received a
High Commendat ion Award from the UCEA (Un iversity Counci l for Edu-
cational Adm inistration) Centr e for the Study of Leadership a nd Ethics for
her doctoral di ssertat ion. Nora has published in a number of periodica ls,
including the Education & Law Journal and Educational Administrat ion Quar-
terly, contributed policy an alyses to CA PSLE Comments, and co-authored
several book chapters on education law. Her scholarly int erests include
school law, student right s, school safety, Indigenous educat ion, education-
al admi nistration, and s chool leadership.

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