
Hugh Benevides has degrees in geography (Carleton) and law (Dal-
housie) and is called to the bars of Ontario and Nova Scotia. He has
worked as legislative assistant in the House of Commons, as coun-
sel to the Canadian Environmental Law Association and East Coast
Environmental Law, and as Canadian legal ocer at the Secretariat of
the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. He
was strategic advisor to leading public interest groups in their federal
law reform eorts from 2017 to 2020 and was an alternate delegate, and
later, a delegate to the Multi-Interest Advisory Committee from 2016 to
2019. His main research interests concern Canada’s political economy
and its implications for environmental law and policy.
Jill Blakley is an associate professor in the Department of Geography
and Planning, University of Saskatchewan. Jill specializes in cumulative
eects assessment and strategic environmental assessment, particularly
related to regional-scale natural resource development programs. She
serves as a member of the Parks Canada Strategic Environmental Assess-
ment Continuous Improvement Program Committee and is lead editor
of the forthcoming volume Handbook of Cumulative Impact Assessment
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, 2021). Her work to
establish principles and a process for regional strategic environmental
assessment is endorsed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Environment, and has been applied by Transport Canada, the Wildlife

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