
AuthorJohn Eaton; Denis Le May
ProfessionLibrarian & Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba/Avocat, Barreau du Québec, Conseiller à la documentation en droit (1975?2006) et Chargé de cours, Faculté de droit, Université Laval
In most civil litigation cases, the plaintiff seeks some kind of recompense for the injury suf-
fered. An entire area of law has developed around the awarding of damages and numerous
types of awards have developed within this area (e.g., liquidated or unliquidated; general, exem-
plary, pecuniary, and punitive). This is an area largely grounded in caselaw but informed by
various rules of court. Related topics: CIVIL PROCEDURE, REMEDIES & RESTITUTION.
Branche majeure du droit civil et partie importante du domaine des OBLIGATIONS.
Klar, L ewis N. Remedies in Tort Crswl (LL)
Snyder, Ronald M., and
Harvin D. Pitch
Damages for Breach of Contrac t, 2d ed. Crswl (LL)
Waddams, Stephen M. The Law of Damag es CLB (LL)
Cassels, Jamie, and Eliz abeth
Remedies: T he Law of Damages, 2d ed. Irwin 2008
Beaudoin, Jean-Louis et
Patrice Deslauriers
La responsabilité civile, 7e éd. (2 vols.)
Principes généraux (vol. 1) et Responsabilité
professionnelle (vol. 2)
Y Blais 2007
Barreau du Québec Les dommages en matière civile et
Y Blais 2006
Barreau du Québec Le préjudice corporel Y Blais 2006
Perreault, Janick L’indemnisation du préjudice corporel des
victimes d’accident d’automobile, 2e éd.
Bruce, Christopher Assessment of Per sonal Injury Damages,
4th ed.
LN/B 2004
Gardner, Daniel L’évaluation du préjudice corporel, 2e éd. Y Blais 2002
Cooper-Stephenson, Ken Personal Injury Damage s in Canada, 2d ed. Crswl 1996

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