Editor-in-chief’s Introduction

AuthorHarvey T Strosberg, QC
In 2004, the Canadian Cla ss Action Review was t he only journal in
Canada dedicated to publishing leading-edge, multidisciplinary scholar-
ship about class actions. I am h appy to report that this is still the case
today, in 2014, and that the CCA R continues to appeal to a w ide audience,
including the legal community, the accounting profession, and public
relations practitioners.
As Michael Molavi notes i n the f‌irst article of this annivers ary issue,
in the ten years since this journal’s inaugural volume, the number of
class actions in Canada has increased at an unprecedented rate. Our
articles and comment ary, authored by prominent academics and le ading
practitioners, have charted the features of this burgeoning class action
landscape and — more importantly — have boldly attempted to pred ict
how those features are likely to shift and evolve in the future. In t he
“Introduction” to the inaugural i ssue of this journal, I wrote that if wh at
we as lawyers aspire to “is a genuine working knowledge of our profes-
sion, we must strive to do more than read and remember all reported ca ses
within our specializations. For what happens when authority or precedent
is silent?” And in this forward-looking stance, the CCAR has also, I am
honoured to say, played a role in shaping the contours of the class action
landscape in Canada.
We have been fortunate to have not only contributors who are among
the nation’s leaders in the f‌ield of class action litigation but also contribu-
tors who have brought valuable multidisciplinar y perspectives to t he
subject of class actions. We are grateful to them all for sharing t heir wis-
dom, knowledge, and experience. And we hope that they will continue
to enrich these pages with their research and ideas. Lastly, we would be
remiss if we did not express special thanks to our guest editor, Professor
Jasminka K alajdzic, a leading ac ademic expert on class actions, for her
hard work and contribution to thi s special anniversary issue.
Harvey T Strosberg, QC
ccar 10.indb 1 1/19/2015 9:09:47 AM

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