
Welcome to the 2001 issue of Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law
Reform. Now in its seventh year, the journal continues to provide a forum for
student scholarship on current legal issues. Our goal is to publish timely and
relevant works that examine Canadian law reform on issues of interest to the
legal profession, as well as the general public.
Our Trends and Developments section begins with Richard Weiland's
analysis of the Uniform Electronic Commerce Act, Canada's approach to the
growing area of e-commerce. Aviva Farbstein discusses the success of the
current review process, legislation and regulations for mergers in the quickly
evolving Canadian communications industry. The unintended consequences
of legislation is the focus of Sara Smyth’s article on “anti-loan sharking”
provisions in the Criminal Code. Alisia Adams’ article reviews the recent
trend in the judiciary to find provincial statutes of limitations inapplicable to
First Nations’ legal claims.
In the Feature Articles section, Robert Stack takes an in-depth look
at the education rights of special needs students in British Columbia. The
recent application of the Charter and human rights acts to special education
regimes is examined by reviewing policy, statutes and recent case law. The
winner of the 2001 Cassels Brock & Blackwell Paper Prize, Shauna Labman,
examines the dilemma posed in the law for transsexuals, and how their
physical transition leaves them in a state of legal limbo. Finally, the question
of whether there is a right to welfare in Canada is the topic of Amber Elliot’s
The Editorial Board would like to thank our numerous volunteers –
students, professors, and lawyers in the community – for their help, as well
as law firms who provided financial support. This assistance enables Appeal
to continue its tradition of publishing high quality student scholarship year
after year. We hope you enjoy this volume of Appeal.
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