Employee organizations

AuthorChristopher Rootham
 
is chapter provides a brief overv iew of the history, duties, and rig hts of the
main employee organizat ions in the federal public service.
ere are currently twent y-one employee organizations cert ied as bargain ing
agents under the Public Servic e Labour Relations Act in ni nety d ierent barga in-
ing units in bot h the Treasury Board a nd separate employers. ose employee
organizations represent ,  members employed in the federal public service.
A list of those bargai ning agents and their membership can be found at the end
of this chapter.
By far the largest employee organi zation in the federa l public service is t he
Public Serv ice Alliance of Canada . e Alliance was formed in  as t he result
of a merger between most members of the Civil Ser vice Federation of Canada
and the Civil Ser vice Assoc iation of Canada. e Al liance’s predecessors were
organized in t he early part of the t wentieth centur y. e Civil Service As socia-
tion of Ottawa was founded in . is employee organization wa s open to all
civil ser vants in the capita l area. In , a number of employee organiz ations
formed the Civil Ser vice Federation of Canada. e Civ il Serv ice Federation of
Canada was comprised of sma ller organizations of civil s ervants organized a long
departmental l ines. e Civil S ervice Assoc iation of Ottawa decided to join the
Public Serv ice Labour Relations Act , S.C. , c. , s.  [PSLRA].

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