Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in private family firms: A configurational model

AuthorJonathan Bauweraerts
Date01 September 2019
Published date01 September 2019
Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in
private family firms: A configurational model
Jonathan Bauweraerts*
University of Mons, Belgium
The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO)
and performance has received considerable attention from
the family business literature. However, little is known about
how EO, organizational parameters, and environmental
characteristics act in combination to inf‌luence family f‌irm
performance. Drawing on the socioemotional wealth per-
spective, this study proposes a conf‌igurational model that
considers the performance implications of EO, family man-
agement, and environmental dynamism. The empirical anal-
ysis indicates that the combination of family management,
low EO, and low environmental dynamism engenders the
best performance. The paper contributes to the family entre-
preneurship literature by identifying the conditions under
which EO leads to improved performance in family f‌irms,
and answers a recent call for more context-based investiga-
tions of the performance effects of family managers. © 2018
ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, performance, family
f‌irms, family management
La relation entre lorientation entrepreneuriale (OE) et la
performance a reçu une attention particulière dans la
recherche sur lentreprise familiale. Cependant, on sait
peu de choses sur la façon dont lOE, les paramètres
organisationnels et les caractéristiques environnementales
interagissent pour inf‌luencer la performance de lentreprise
familiale. En sappuyant sur la perspective du patrimoine
socioaffectif, lauteur de la présente étude propose un
modèle de conf‌iguration qui tient compte des répercussions
de lOE, de la gestion familiale et du dynamisme de
lenvironnement sur la performance. Lanalyse empirique
révèle que la gestion familiale, une OE faible et un
dynamisme environnemental faible génèrent la meilleure
performance. Létude est une contribution aux recherches
sur lentrepreneuriat familial dans la mesure où elle cerne
les conditions dans lesquelles lOE permet daméliorer la
performance des entreprises familiales. Elle répond aussi à
un récent appel en faveur détudes plus contextuelles sur
linf‌luence quexerce les gestionnaires familiaux sur la per-
formance. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons,
Mots-clés: Orientation entrepreneuriale, rendement,
entreprises familiales, gestion familiale
Most scholars point out that adopting an entrepreneurial
strategic orientation is a universal recipe for improving f‌i-
nancial performance (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996; Miller,
1986; Wiklund & Shepherd, 2005). However, recent ad-
vancements suggest that the relationship between entrepre-
neurial orientation (EO), that is the f‌irm-level
entrepreneurial posture that consists in engaging in innova-
tion (innovativeness) by carrying out risky initiatives (risk-
taking) in a proactive way (proactiveness) (Miller, 1983),
and f‌inancial performance is not so simple, and can vary in
terms of size and direction (Rauch, Wiklund, Lumpkin, &
Frese, 2009). Indeed, numerous studies apply a contingency
framework that integrates the moderating inf‌luence of inter-
nal and external factors to explain variations in the EO
performance relationship (for instance, Alegre & Chiva,
2013; Brouthers, Nakos, & Dimitratos, 2015; Semrau,
Ambros, & Kraus, 2016).
Given the predominance of family f‌irms in the world
economy (Amit & Villalonga, 2014) and the underlying im-
portance of understanding how they reach entrepreneurial
success (Memili, Fang, Chrisman, & De Massis, 2015), fam-
ily business scholars employ this approach to determine how
specif‌ic organizational and environmental variables explain
*Please address correspondence to: Jonathan Bauweraerts, Assistant Profes-
sor, Accounting and management department, University of Mons,
Warocqué School of Business and Economics, Place Warocqué 17, 7000
Mons, Belgium. Email: jonathan.bauweraerts@umons.ac.be.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
36: 418431 (2019)
Published online 28 October 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1513
Can J Adm Sci
36(3), 418431 (2019)© 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 418

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