
AuthorKaren Woodall, PhD
ProfessionAssistant Professor, Forensic Toxicology, University of Toronto, Mississauga (2019?present)
I have known James Wigmore for over twenty years. We f‌irst met when
I joined the toxicology section at the Centre of Forensic Sciences. Jim
was an excellent mentor who was always happy to pass on his extensive
knowledge about the f‌ield of alcohol and also willing to share hi s experi-
ence about testifying in cour t and numerous tips about providing ex-
pert testimony. That type of valua ble information from a colleague with
years of experience is invaluable, something you can’t learn from read-
ing a textbook! Following his retirement, Jim used his time to publish a
comprehensive review on alcohol based on his over  years’ experience
as a forensic toxicologist. He then applied his skills on reviewing and
summari zing scientif‌ic literature for his second book, this time about
cannabis. Now, Jim turns hi s attention to the often-overlooked drug
I’ve worked in the f‌ield of Forensic Toxicology for more than  years
but, considering the frequency of nicotine use in society, I (and many
other forensic toxicologists) have paid little attention to this drug for
many years. The popularity of smoking seemed to me to be diminish-
ing each year and, in my opinion, the general public appeared to be well
aware of its negative health consequences.
Even though nicotine has not been a primary focus of forensic toxi-
cologists, considering the prevalence of nicotine use in society and its
toxicity, it is surprising that a comprehensive review of the scientif‌ic lit-
erature about this drug has never been published. Jim f‌ills this gap by
continuing his successful series of “Wigmore on” books. He uses the same

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