
AuthorMaureen McTeer
[  ]
* All denitions are from Fernando Zegers-Hochschild et al, he International
Glossary on Infertility and Fertility Care, 2017 () : Human Reproduction
–, online:.../
Assisted reproductive technology (ART). All interventions that include
the in vitro handling of both human oocytes and sperm or of embryos
for the purpose of reproduction. is includes, but is not limited to, IVF
and embryo transfer ET; intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI; embryo
biopsy; preimplantation genetic testing PGT; assisted hatching; gamete
intrafallopian transfer GIFT; zygote intrafallopian transfer; gamete and
embryo cryopreservation; semen, oocyte, and embryo donation; and ges-
tational carrier cycles. us, ART does not, and ART-only registries do
not, include assisted insemination using sperm from either a woman’s
partner or a sperm donor.
Blastocyst. e stage of preimplantation embryo development that
occurs around day – after insemination or ICSI. e blastocyst con-
tains a uid-lled central cavity (blastocoele), an outer layer of cells (tro-
phectoderm), and an inner group of cells (inner cell mass).
Congenital anomalies. Structural or functional disorders that occur dur-
ing intra-uterine life and can be identied prenatally, at birth, or later in
life. Congenital anomalies can be caused by single gene defects, chromo-
somal disorders, multifactorial inheritance, environmental teratogens, and
micronutrient deciencies. e time of identication should be reported.
Cryopreservation. e process of slow freezing or vitrication to pre-
serve biological material (e.g., gametes, zygotes, cleavage-stage embryos,
blastocysts, or gonadal tissue) at extreme low temperature.

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