
AuthorRonald C.C. Cuming, Catherine Walsh, Roderick Wood
Acceleration clau se, 624–25
and reinst atement, 641–42
airframes and, 728–30
common law doctr ine of, 602–3
security i nterests, 604–5
Account debtor(s), 176
defences/set-off, 6 64–65
law of the assi gned obligation and,
236 –37
obligation to pay on noti f‌ication, 665
third par ty, rights, 663–67
Accounting, sur plus, 655
Accounts. See also Ba nk accounts; De-
posit accounts
after-acquired property, and bank-
ru ptc y, 535 –36
appropriated, li ability for collection,
Bank Act secur ity, as, 694
conf‌lict of laws an d debtors, 235–37
f‌inancing, v s. inventory f‌inancing,
futures account s, 29, 473
goods retur n and f‌inancer’s interest,
585– 86
owed, PPSA application to, 176
PPSA, 23
choice of law and, 206
priority, provinci al variation, 70
proc eeds, t racin g, 555
remedies vs., 661–68
returned good s, f‌inancer’s interest,
587– 88
right to payme nt, trustee in bank-
ruptcy and pr iority, 536
set-off law and proce eds, 667–68
transfer of
deemed secur ity interest, 157
priority of ta ngible collateral, 403
transfere es and priority, 402–4
unperfected int erest, sale of account,
403– 4
Accumulated equity, 130
Action in rem , ships, 713–14
Actions for recover y of money, 689–90
Actual knowled ge, 11. See also Know-
ledge; Notice
relocated goods a nd, 196
Add-on, 453–4
Adverse clai ms, 45, 46
conf‌lict of laws r ules, 217–18
notice of, 61–63
secured par ty, protection from, 42,
Aff‌ixat ion, 602
Note: The letter “T” following a page reference indicates a table.
After-acquired collateral
security i nterests, 260– 63
After-acquired consumer goods, 263–64
After-acquired crops
Bank Act secur ity and supplier, 701–2
After-acquired property
Bank Act secur ity interest and, 699,
700, 701
clauses an d bankruptcy, 532–38
future crops a s, 265–66
purchase money s ecurity interests,
priority r ule, 440
security a greement, security int erest,
Aircraft e quipment
protocol overview, 717–19
Aircraft obje ct f‌inancer, 728
pro rata shar ing and, 438–39
residual pr iority rule and, 437–39
Animals, 264
production money secur ity interests,
467– 69
Arrest, sh ip, 713–14
Article 9, Uniform Commercia l Code. See
UCC, Article 9
Artif‌icer ’s lien, 506
Assignme nt
account debtor’s defences, 66 4–65
aircraft a nd prospective, 726
conf‌lict of laws an d, 235–37
copyright an d, 714–15
industri al designs and, 714–15
intangible s and set-off, 664–65
integrated ci rcuits topographies and ,
714 –15
law of the assi gned obligation and,
236 –37
legislation, 4 –5
payments, of
under lease /mortgage of real prop-
er ty, 16 7–70
plant breeder’s r ights and, 714–15
trademark s and, 714–15
Assignme nt in bankruptcy
obligation to pay on noti f‌ication, 665
post, contract ual changes, 665– 66
proposal and deem ed bankruptcy,
rejected proposal, 629
statutory set-of f and intangibles/chat-
tel paper, 667–68
Assignment of Book Debts Act, 320
Attachment, 18 –19
accounts as aft er-acquired property,
ba nkr upt cy, 535 –36
Bank Act se cur ity, 695
broker’s lien on secur ity entitlement,
conditions for, 16, 241
conf‌licts of law a nd, 190–91
equitable secu rity interest, 285
evidentia ry requirement and thi rd
parties, 243– 46
f‌loating cha rges, 285–88
future crops, 265 –66
future propert y, 264– 65
inter partes, 241– 42
order of, and statutor y deemed trust,
513 –14
postponement of, 286–88
priority and , 242–43
reattach ment
account f‌inancer ’s interest, goods
return, 587–8 8
chattel paper f‌i nancer’s interest,
goods retur n, 586–87
inventory f‌in ancer’s interest,
goods retur n, 585–86
returned/repossessed goods,
reposses sed or returned goods, 285
security i nterest, release of debt in
bankruptcy, 540–42
statutory, re debts, 508
third-part y, 241–42
trees and, 22 –23
value, 246–47
Automatic perfect ion, 312–16
collateral, a nd, 401
knowledge and goods t ransfer,
commodity a ccount, 316
consumer goods , Yukon, 316, 402
documents of tit le, 315
f‌inancia l assets, 316
foreign secur ity interest, 312–13
good faith buyer, Yukon, 316
Index 777
investment prope rty and control,
470– 72
PPSA, 312–16
pro cee ds, 314
commercial good s, 315
grace perio d, 580
uncondition ality and priority, 314
Backward s tracing, 444– 45, 576
Bad faith, 486 –88
duty of disclos ure, 487
honesty and, 486
Bailee’s goods
security i nterest perfection, 311
Bank accounts . See Accounts; Deposit
customer and pay ments, FIFO rule,
deposit accounts, 71–74
inventory f‌in ancer and proceeds,
tra cing, 66 7–68
mixed fund s
and tracing, 569
overdraft s reduction, tracing, 567–77
pro rata depletion ru le, 571
withdr awals
and tracing, 569–70
mixed fund s and wrongdoing,
573 –74
pari passu approach, 572
Bank Act, 76
caveat, 697
f‌ixtures r ules, 697
future crops, 265 –66
general priorit y system, 698
priority prov ision, 698
registry, 697
security i nterest, def‌ined, 699
security v s. subsequent PPSA secur-
it y, 700
unperfected se curity interest, de-
f‌ined, 698–99
Bank Act secur ity, 76, 163, 164, 417,
693 –709, 707
attachment , 695
bill of ladin g/warehouse receipt
rights, 695
cancellat ion, 696
collateral, 693 –94, 695, 703–4
rights and s eizure, 706
sale, bank ruptcy, 538n
debtor categories, 693 –94
double registrat ion and election, 704
enforcement, 706–8
failure to reg ister, PPSA rules, 702–3
f‌ishing ves sels, 697
f‌ixtu res, 697
growing crop s, f‌irst and preferential
lien, 695
PPSA security
interest and pr iority, 537–38
priority, 697–705
priority com petitions, 700– 6
proc eeds, 70 5–6
reform issue s, 709
registrat ion, 696–97
and priority, 696
release, ef fect of, 696
restrict ions on, 693–94
security a greement, 694–95
ship mortgage, on f‌ishi ng vessel, 711
subordinat ion of claimants, 706
2001 amendments, 696
vendor’s lien and, 706
Bank deposit acc ounts, 71–74
Bank of Canada Act
note and holder’s right s, 405
Bank of Can ada registry, 696, 700
Bankrupt’s property
after-acquired property clauses,
532–3 8
extent of, vesti ng in trustee in bank-
ruptcy, 549–50
s. 136 BIA priorit y structure, 520
security i nterests, and, 520–31
seizure by s ecured creditors, 521
law and secure d creditors’ priority,
order refusa l, priority inversion, 530
using to avert pr iorities, 528–30
Bankr uptcy and insolvency, 80–81
Aircraft P rotocol and, 724
all-obligation s clause, residual prior-
ity rule, 427–28
assignme nt. See Assignment in
bankr uptcy
bankrupt a nd property during ban k-
ru ptc y, 534
choice of law, 237–38

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