
Accounts, pas sing of, 165, 174
Administration of trusts
charitable t rusts, 64
continuous administration, 147
expense s, 164, 175–77
powers, 23, 169–72
power of, 173–74
presumption of, 118–22
Agency, distingu ished from trust, 12–13
Agents, use by t rustees, 159–60
Alteration of t rust. See Amendment of
Amendment of tr ust, 90–97
common law, 94–95
compromise, 95
conversion, 94
emergency, 95
maintenance, 94
statute, 95– 97
rules of court , 96–97
trustee leg islation, 96
trust instrument, 90–94
invalid amendment s, 91
pension tr usts, 91–94
variation by c ourt, 97–103
power of. See Power of appointment
trustees. See Appointment of trustees
Appointment of tr ustees, 148–51
court appointment, 150
f‌irst tru stees, 148
non-judicial appointment s, 148–49
number of tru stees, 150–51
removal after appointment, 152–53
retirement af ter appointment, 151–52
Assets. See Tr ust a sset s
Associ ations, unincorpor ated, 77–79
capacity as t rustee or benef‌iciar y, 40
Bankrupt p ersons, 40
Benef‌iciar ies
breach of tru st
benef‌iciary/t rustees, 182
consent and pa rticipation, 191
remedies, 183– 86
personal rem edies, 183–84
trac ing, 184 –86
capacity, 40–41
ce rta int y, 44 –47
contract part ies, distingui shed, 13
equitable tit le, 81, 184
information , right to, 165–67
premature ter mination of trust,
85–8 8
proprietar y rights, 8–9, 13, 24

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