
AuthorRuth Sullivan
Aborigin al law, 251–58
Aborigin al languages, use, 96
band councils, 3
delegated legisl ation, 8
general ly, 251–52
interpretat ion, 252–58
Aborigin al legislation, 254–55
generally applic able legislation,
255– 56
legislation a ffecting Aborigina l
right s, 256–58
treaties, 252–54
Absolute liabil ity offences, 240
Absurdity, 51, 212–22. See also Con-
sequential analysis
avoiding, 54, 221–22
reading dow n, 290, 293
drafti ng errors, 302
implausible inter pretations to avoid,
294, 295–98
labelling consequences, 212–16
obsolescence and, 125
resp onding to, 216 –21
Academic comment ary. See Scholarly
interpretat ion
Acts. See Stat utes
Admini strative interpret ation, 283–84
guidelines, 11–12, 52
Administrative law, 11
Ambiguit y
Aboriginal treat ies, 252
avo idi ng, 17
consequential analysis, 216
contextual analysis, 51, 226
def‌ined, 47, 288
penal provi sions, 229–30
policy analy sis, 225
purposive an alysis, 185, 201, 202
tax legisl ation, 246–47
Amendment of legi slation, 24–25. See
also Legisl ation
amending Act s, 7–8, 24–25
amending prov isions, 8
interpretat ion distinguished , 290
judicial amendment , 290–94
reading in, 291–94
partia l re-enactment, 23–24
Application of legi slation, 341–78. See
also Legisl ation
temporal applicat ion, 342–71. See
also Temporal applicat ion
def‌initions and distinctions,
exampl es, 352–54
immediat e application, 361–62

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