
AuthorJamie Chai Yun Liew/Donald Galloway
Adminis trative law principles, 72. See
also Judicial re view
prerogative wr its. See Prerogative
procedural fa irness. See Procedural
fairnes s
Admissibi lity hearings, 543 –47. See also
Inadmissible persons
burden of proof, 547
decision from I mmigration Divi sion,
evidence, 545– 47
parties, 544–45
public and private he arings, 543–44
Admission i nto Canada. See Entry int o
Adopted children
Canadia n citizenship, 443– 44
family cla ss sponsorship, 181, 202–5,
Affirmat ion of citizenship, 453–54
Agricultu ral workers, 121–22
Aliens. See Foreign nationals
American Declarat ion of the Rights and
Duties of Man, 68
Appeals. See also Judicial review
family cla ss, sponsorship decision s,
Federal Court of Appe al, 633
refugee clai ms, 288–97. See also Refu-
gee Appeal Div ision
refugee resett lement, visa officer’s
decision , 239–40
removal orders, 562–6 4
Supreme Court of Can ada, 633–35
Baker ca se, 420 –21
Best interes ts of the child
humanitarian and compassionate ap-
plications, 420 –26
alert, alive, a nd sensitive to child,
Baker decision, 420–21
balancin g factors, 423–24
children outs ide Canada, 425–26
children w ithin Canada, 425
hardship te st, 424–25
pre-removal risk a ssessments,
387– 88
Bill of Rights, 667– 68
Bord er. See Canadian border
Business immigrants, 165–71
Business Skills Program, 171
Entrepreneur Prog ram, 168, 171
Immigra nt Investor Program, 168, 171
Immigra nt Investor Venture Capital
Fu nd, 17 1
provincial nom inee programs, 171
self-employed per son class, 165–68
selection criteria, 165–67
start-up busine ss class, 168–71
Business Skills Program, 171
Business t ravel, 70–71
Canada Borde r Services Agency. See
also Ministe r of Public Safety and
Emergency Preparedness
division of fu nctions, 29–30
establish ment, 29
Most Wanted list, 573–74
Canada-Québec Accord, 60 –62
Canadian Bill of Rights, 6 67–68
Canadian border
open borders, 78 –87
securit ization, 530–31
Canadian Char ter of Rights and Freedoms.
See Charter of Rights an d Freedoms
Canadia n citizenship, 436–67
emergence, historical overview,
436 –39
losing citi zenship, 460–65
renu nciat ion, 46 0–61
resumption of cit izenship, 465
revo cation , 361, 461– 65
current law, 461–63
humanitarian and compassion-
ate application s, 399
new amendments, 463 –65
obtainin g citizenship, 439–56
birth in Ca nada, 439–40
birth to Can adian parent outside
Canada, 440–45
adopted childre n, 443–44
lost Canadi ans, 444–45
natural ization, 445–56. See als o
Naturali zation
adequate knowledge of a n
official lan guage, 448–49,
adequate knowledge of C an-
ada, 44 9–50, 451–52
adequate knowledge of cit-
izenship responsibilities,
450 –51
barrier s to, 455–56
citizensh ip test, 449–51
current residency require-
ments, 445– 47
new income tax fil ing require-
men t, 447– 48
new intention to res ide re-
quirement, 448
new physical pres ence test, 447
oath or affir mation of citizen-
ship, 453–54
proces s, 452–53
waiving of la nguage and know-
ledge requirements, 451–52
recent reforms, cr iticisms, 466 –67
rights and responsibilities, 456–60
Charter ri ghts, 636 –43
generally, 456–57
passports, 457–60
Canadian Citizenship Act, 1947, 23–24
Caregivers, 123–28
abuse, 125–26
child-care prov iders, 173
high medical n eed-care providers,
173 –74
humanitarian and compassionate ap-
plications, 432
permanent r esidence status, 172–74
Certiorari, 621–22
Chairp erson’s Guidelines, 41–42, 54–56.
See also Immigr ation and Refugee
Charter of Rights and Freed oms, 37–38,
636– 67
ambit , 636– 43
challenges u nder. See Constitutional
challe nges
gross di sproportionality d octrine,
661– 62
inadmissibility determinations, ap-
plication, 529–30
influence on imm igration law, 27, 38
non-citiz ens, application, 636 –43
overbreadth doct rine, 660–61
rights under. See Charte r rights
vagueness doctrine, 661
Charter right s, 645–67. See also Charter
of Rights and Freedoms
democratic right s, 649
fundamenta l freedoms, 647–49

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