
AuthorLesli Bisgould
ProfessionAdjunct Professor, Faculty of Law
Abbatoirs. See Slaughterhouse s
Aborigin al persons, 95, 239, 241–42
Actus reus, 77
Agricultu re. See Industrial use s of
Allergies to a nimals, 149, 155
Angling, 92
definitions of, 106, 217, 231
ferae n aturae, 141
mansuetae naturae, 141
personhood, 281–99
Animal c are committees. See Experi-
mental rese arch on animals,
animal care committees
Animal r ights
defined, 287
activist s, 92 102, 226
ori gins, 42
legal theory a nd, 44, 52–53, 123, 232,
280 –81, 3 00
Supreme Court of Can ada and, 54,
230 –32, 28 4
Animal she lters. See Animal welfar e
agencies, shelters
Animal wel fare agencies
authority of, 94, 98 –102, 104, 110–14,
136, 191
conflict with in, 100
emergence of, 34, 97
experi mental research, role in, 211,
221–22, 224
industri al uses of animals , role in, 75,
99, 19 8
lobbying, 91
shelters, 100, 137, 220–22
Anti-crue lty legislation
consumer protect ion law, relation-
ship to, 135, 140
emergence, 34
enforcement, 86, 96
animal cont rol officers and, 145
animal prote ction officers and,
115, 1 91
peace officers a nd, 114, 119, 238
environment al rights and, 140
evolving attit udes, 3–4, 8, 87–88,
90–94, 120, 129, 140, 230–33,
279– 80
experi mental research and, 93, 109,
214, 218
historica l development, 58–67,
88–96, 103–5, 120 –23, 280

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