
AuthorAndrew J. Pirie
ProfessionFaculty of Law. University of Victoria
Abel, Richard, 13
Aboriginal, 20–25, 48, 137, 263, 295, 297
Adjudication, 47, 81, 242–43.
See also
Adjudicative processes, 83
business, 264–74
case notes, 313–3
case studies and problems, 343–78
context, in, 14–25
contract clauses, 269
court-connected, 49, 323–42
criminal, 257–58
critiques, 11–13
culture, 282–306
education, 386–94
environmental, 29, 275–79, 296
family, 246–56
feminist critique, 35, 188–91
future development, 379–99
glossary of terms, 47–52
goals, 9–14
history of, 6–14
ideology, 30–32, 296, 381, 383
institutionalization, 50
judge-assisted, 50
judicial decisions, 312–23
judicial opposition, 324–27
key concepts, 34–90
law of, 307–42
legislation, 309–11, 401–429
meaning of, 1–32
multidisciplinary nature of, 25–29,
pledge, 271–72
practice, 238–81
preventative, 51
role of judges, 231, 328–31
statutes referring to, 309–12, 401–29
terms and terminologies, 35–52
Adversarial/non-adversarial thinking,
communitarian values, 59–60
ethic of care, 60
partisan representation, 54
party autonomy, 54
Adversary system, 53
benefits to, 55
critiques, 56–58
Advisory opinion, 47, 81
Anger, feigned and real, 119
Arbitration, 48, 212–37
confidentiality, 218
developments, 224–34
flexibility, 217, 218
hybrid arbitration processes, 230–32
judicial deference, 221, 224
key features, 213–24
mandatory arbitration clauses, 232–34
mandatory court-annexed, 50
med-arb, 81, 230
mini-trial, 82, 231, 270–71

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