
AuthorEdgar Gold; Aldo Chircop; Hugh M. Kindred; William Moreira
Abandoned vess els. See Vess els
Abandonment. See Hull an d machin-
ery insu rance, total loss; Mari ne
insurance, doct rines, abandonment
notice; Marit ime labour law, aban-
donment and repatr iation; Salvage
Aborigin al rights, 136–37, 161, 1054
Acts of God, 509, 627, 666
Admiralt y jurisdiction, 1–5, 16–17, 133,
135–38, 143–46, 158– 69, 173–209, 966
admiralty districts, 166–67
application of provi ncial and terri-
torial law, 5, 101, 136, 143–46,
159–69, 171, 174, 177, 181–82,
184–85, 188–20 9, 218, 221–22,
284– 85, 289, 303, 305, 306, 308,
310, 345–47, 355–58, 382, 384,
385, 401–3, 434n163, 487n95,
550, 838, 840, 900, 902, 905,
924, 10 09, 1024, 103 0–38, 10 51–
52, 10 67–70, 1074, 110 0–1
derivative ju risdiction, 198
dual aspect do ctrine, 205
integral con nection analysis, 184– 86,
194, 1076–77
jurisdic tion ratione materiae, 16, 81,
87–88, 89, 94–95, 107, 115, 121,
135–36, 158–63, 167–91, 193, 197,
199–2 02, 206, 2 07–8, 218–19,
222, 266, 277–78, 334–35,
380– 81, 386, 402–3, 487–90, 497,
599, 605–6, 662, 557–68, 692,
833–35, 837–38, 859, 861, 900–6,
910, 912, 913, 916, 924, 925,
935–36, 946, 949, 962, 1005–6,
1017, 1025– 26, 1030 –31, 1038 –39,
1050 –53, 1067– 69, 1120 –21
Ordon test, 191, 193–97, 403, 1067–68
See also Canad ian maritime law ; Fed-
eral Court of Ca nada; Inter-juris-
dictional i mmunity doctri ne;
Internat ional maritime l aw;
Occupational he alth and safety
law; Paramountc y doctrine (con-
stitutional); Supreme Cour t of
Canada; Workers’ compe nsation
Admiralt y procedure, 168–69, 211–14,
273 –74
actions, 176–79, 186–87, 189–91,
193–94, 196, 202, 213–14, 217–39,
256–57, 374–75, 639–49, 658– 64,
674–75, 679, 714, 718–19, 721,
741–42, 820–22, 836–38, 842, 845,
854–55, 942, 1035–36, 1070–72
in personam, 3, 189, 211, 214, 219,
221–22, 225–30, 262–63, 308,
343, 364, 368–69, 375, 383,
387, 390, 739–40, 837–38, 842
in rem, 3, 168, 189–9 0, 211, 213–14,
218–45, 254, 256–57, 258,
259, 263–65, 270–71, 275–76,
278, 286, 297, 308–9, 332, 342,
360–61, 364, 366– 67, 369–71,
373–75, 380, 383, 384, 386–90,
423–24, 495–96, 714, 739–40,
766, 838, 842, 855, 965
sister-ship, 214, 228–38, 241–45,
255n1 81, 270
and provinci al courts, 211, 214, 218,
221–22, 272
arrest proce edings, 3, 190, 214, 224,
226–56, 270–72, 278, 342, 375, 461,
495–96, 502, 853 –55, 860, 987
caveats, 256 –57
Mareva injunct ions, 246, 270–72
marshal’s (custodia legis) expenses
of arrest, 246 –48, 263–65
release from a rrest, 216, 239, 247–49,
251, 252, 253–58, 265, 278
“wrongful a rrest,” 245–46
collision ca ses, 257, 836–4 6, 853–6 0,
960– 61, 968, 985, 1072, 1081,
intervention r ule, 258–59
judicial sa le of the res, 3, 153–54, 233,
259–65, 267, 332, 340, 341–43,
361, 374, 384, 390, 914
distrib ution of sale proceeds, 3, 154,
174, 219, 233, 260–63, 332,
350–51, 357, 361, 384, 387
expense s of sale (ship), 264–65
marshal ling of secured property,
268– 69
priorities pro ceedings and proced-
ures, 254–55, 258, 262– 69,
294, 352–58
limitation of liability proceedings,
214, 257–58, 741–42, 836–46,
940– 42, 959–62, 966, 988– 89,
1082 –83, 10 98
marshalling doctrine, 268–69
statutory sei zures and detentions,
81, 97, 105, 108, 109–10, 114–15,
124, 153–54, 248–53, 2 89,
469n39, 502, 855, 860, 882, 883,
887, 889–90, 902, 905, 909,
911–12, 914, 918–20, 927–28,
987, 989, 1019
See also Canad ian maritime law; Fed -
eral Court of Ca nada; Maritime
claims; Ma ritime liens; Private
internat ional law
Agency doctri ne, 114n231, 138, 307–8,
436, 58 4–85
Aircraft , 146, 151, 153, 175–76, 219–20,
223, 442, 785, 815
Alberta, 401, 1069
Allision. See Collision
American In stitute of Marine Under-
writers , 439n189 & 190, 447,
Amphibious vehic les, 285–86
Aquaculture, 3 44–45, 353, 986, 1024,
1037, 104 9, 1055–56
federal regul atory regime, 1049–55
“prescribed activities,” 1053
provincial r egulatory regime, 1049,
regulation i n British Columbia, 1052–55
See also Fisherie s law
Arbitration, 258, 272 –73, 641–46,
653–54, 780, 796, 855
award enforcement, 645–46
See also United Nat ions Conference
on Trade and Development
Arc tic Cou ncil, 1000–1 , 1010
Arctic Pollution Pre vention Certificate,
1017–1 8
Arctic shipping, 5 48, 991–92
adm inis trati on, 1007–10
“Arctic waters,” 160, 915, 991, 995–96,
1001– 4, 1010, 1020 –21
construct ion and equipment stan-
dards, 993, 996 –97, 1011–13
environment al protection, 910–11,
991, 994–95, 998–9 9, 1004–9,
1017–20, 1111n 105
pollution prevent ion officer, 250–
51, 910– 11, 1012, 1017–19
“ice-covered are as,” 1002, 1004–7
marine in surance, 413n98, 450–51,
1019–2 1
mariti me safety, 991–94, 996–98,
1006 –16
navigation, 74, 745–46, 997–98, 1005,
1006 –7, 1008 , 1009– 16
Arctic Ice Regi me Shipping Sys-
tem , 1014–15, 102 2
Index 1231
ice navigator, 746, 1014–15
mandatory reporting requi rements,
1006 –7, 1014–18, 1022
pil otage , 745– 47, 1018, 1019
shipping safety c ontrol zones, 911,
1010–11, 1014, 1016, 1017–20
Northern M arine Transport ation
Corridors I nitiative, 1022
regulatory regime
internation al, 77, 99, 160, 450–51,
909, 992–1001, 1004–7,
1011–12, 1022
national, 88, 160, 745– 47, 910–12,
992, 994, 995, 1005–7, 1010–22
sea ice char terparty clause, 5 48, 557
See also Icebreak ing and ice manage-
ment service s; Navigation;
Northwest Pa ssage; Polar Co de
Associat ion of Average Adjusters of t he
United States a nd Canada, 689–90,
Associat ion of Maritime Arbitrator s of
Canada, 273, 644n 424
Associat ion of Ship Brokers and Agents
NYPE time ch arter, 553, 594, 1103
Bail. See Admiralty pro cedure, arrest pro-
ceedings; En forcement and compli-
ance, securit y deposits (financial)
Bailment, 169, 215, 509, 525–27, 586,
646, 754–55, 772
See also Carr iage of goods; Charter-
Baltic and International Maritime
Council (BIMCO), 125, 531–33, 598,
standard for m bills of lading
CONLINE, 567–68
standard for m chartering contrac ts
BALT IME, 553 –59
BARG EHIRE , 1108– 9
GA SVOY, 5 31
GENCON, 531, 533, 535, 543, 545,
548, 549, 551n231, 1108
HEAV YCON, 1107– 8, 1109
SH ELLV OY, 53 1
SUPPLYTIME, 762n87, 1102–7,
1109, 113 4
TOWCON, 758–59, 1104, 1106,
TOWHIRE, 758 –59, 1106, 1109
standard for m ship construction/r e-
pair contracts
standardized clauses
CENTROCON Strike , 543
ISPS/MTS A 2005, 531
MLC, 2006, 482n79, 1134
NAABS A, 536n152
North Americ an Advance Cargo
Notificat ion, 531
piracy, 531–32, 549, 558
Seaway and Great L akes Trading,
slow steaming, 531–32, 549, 555n248
strike, 542–43
US Security, 531
See also Charterpar ties
Bank Act secur ity, 293–94, 343– 45, 347,
353–5 4, 551n231
Bankrupt cy, 233, 276, 296, 321, 332, 343,
350n106, 369, 372n34, 383, 422,
443, 1024, 1045 –49
Bareboat charters. See Charterparties
Barges, 35, 144, 279, 280, 285, 694–95,
712–13, 724, 725, 748, 756, 760,
762, 773–76, 976–78, 1091, 1096,
1097n41, 1099, 1108 –9
Barratr y, 73, 438, 439, 442, 447
Baseline s (territori al), 160, 901–2, 1002,
Beaufort sca le, 45–46
Boating. See Pleasure craft
Bottomry, 182, 333, 363, 373, 375
See also Maritime liens
British Columbi a, 101n167, 162, 164,
165, 181, 185–86, 198–200, 20 6–8,
211, 268, 296–97, 374–75, 401, 758,
1033 –34, 1069, 10 89n4
admiralt y rules, 6, 189–90, 211, 214,
aquaculture regulation, 1052–55
Bunkers. See Mar ine pollution preven-
tion, pollutant s and sources

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