
AuthorSteve Coughlan
Abandonment of rea sonable expectation
of privacy, 102–6
Absolute juris diction offence, 48, 49, 71
Abuse of process , 9, 36, 449–55
categories, 451–54
new proceeding s by indictment, 67
police survei llance, 160, 277–78
prosecutoria l discretion, 44, 54, 55, 71
stay of proceedi ngs, 454–55
Accused persons
address at preliminary inquiry, 407–8
joinder and severa nce, 490–92
jurisdic tion over, 64–66
Adjournmen ts
bail hear ings, 300, 302
non-disclosure, 359–60, 385
trial judge, p owers, 546
Administration of justice
adjournments a nd, 546
case man agement judge, 37, 423
constitut ional jurisdict ion, 456, 457
police serv ices, 29
prosecutors, appointment, 30
detention to mai ntain confidence,
305 –6 , 314–15
joint sentence submi ssions and, 506
judicial refer ral hearings, 290 –92
jury select ion, maintaining con fi-
dence, 465–71, 479
leave to appeal, 6 01
offences relat ing to, 290–92, 294,
364, 4 49
police abuse undermining, 453
publication ban, 4 60, 552
vic tim ide ntity, 551
warrants, 79
DNA warrant s, 163, 166, 167, 168,
electronic sur veillance, 157, 190
general warr ants, 224, 226–27
witness support, 547
Admissibi lity of evidence. See Evidence
Agreed-upon stat ement of facts, 514, 600
Alternat ive measures, 418–22
availability, 419–20
drug or mental he alth issues, 422
young persons, 419, 420–21
cautions, 421
Amendment of cha rges, 496–97
Amicus curia e, 363, 547
Ancillary powers doctrine, 17–23
Anticipator y search warrant, 221–24,
Appeals, 46 –47, 561–604
directed verd ict decision, 519
indictable offence s, 564–98
accused, appe als by, 564–85
curative prov iso, 577–81
errors of law, 574–77
miscar riage of justice, 574–77
overview, 564–67
procedural irregularities, 581–83
standard of re view, 567–68
successful appeal, conse-
quences, 583– 85
unreason able verdicts, 568–73
Court of Appeal, p owers, 591–92
Crown, appea ls by, 586–90
fresh evidenc e, 592–94
reasons, fa ilure to give, 594–98
mistrial declaration, 557
overview, 561–64
summar y conviction offences, 598 –602
Supreme Court of Can ada, 562, 602–4
Appearance not ice, 294, 311, 313
failure to comply, 290–92
Appearance, comp elling, 288–301, 311–14
judicial refer ral hearings, 290 –92
post-charge, 297–301
arrest, 298 –301, 313
release from c ustody. See Judicial
interim rele ase
summons, 298, 311, 313
pre-charge, 292–97
appearance not ice, 294, 311, 313
arrest w ithout warrant, 292–93
laying of ch arge, 295–97
release by pe ace officer, 294–95
principle of rest raint, 288–8 9,
293– 94, 322–23
witnesses, 324
Apprehension of bia s, 512, 542, 548– 49
Arbitrar y detention, 9–10, 245–67, 300,
excessive force as, 326
investigative detention, 254–61
racial profiling, 251–53
random police stops, 248 –54, 267–74
what is, 245–54
test , 245
Arbitrar y law, 246
Arraig nment, 71, 394
Ar ray. See Ju ry array
Ar rest , 311– 44
breach of condit ions, 292
breach of the pea ce, 325–26
compelling appearance, 311–14
post-charge, 298–9 9
release of accu sed, 299–309
pre-charge, 292–9 4
release of ar rested person,
principle of rest raint, 288–8 9,
322–2 3
witnesses, 324
defined, 313–14
dwelling house, 327–29
hot pursuit, 328–29
generally, 311–14
resisting arrest, 323
rights ar ising on, 329–43
Charter ri ghts, 330 –43
implementation al duties,
332–34, 33 6–43
information al duties, 317,
331–34, 334–36
overview, 330–34
reason for arre st, 317, 331–32
“reasonable d iligence” rule,
339 41
right to counse l, 332–43
wa iver, 338– 41
statutory pr otections, 329–30
search incide nt to, 16, 121–33, 327
supporting powers, 326–29
reasonable force, 326
warrant, w ith. See Arrest warrants
warrantless arrests, 317–26
Charter i ssues, 32 3–24
“citizen’s arres t,” 317, 320
“finds comm itting,” 318–19, 320, 321
overview, 317–20
peac e office rs, 321–24, 325
property own ers, 320
“reasonable g rounds to believe”
standard, 319–20
wrong pers on, 326
young person s, 330
Arrest wa rrants, 298–99, 314–17, 324.
See also Arrest
bench warr ants, 65, 324
dwelling house, 327
necessar y in the public interest, 298,
313, 314–15
territor ial execution, 316
wrong person a rrested, 326
Articul able cause for detention, 254–55,

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