
AuthorPhilip H. Osborne
Abatement of nuisa nce, 419–20. See also
Nuisanc e
Absolute privi lege, 437–38. See also
Privi lege
Abuse of power, 224–25
Abuse of process , 281–82. See also Inten -
tional inter ference with the person
malicious pro secution compared, 281
Academic dis putes, 246
Accident prevention, 176– 81
Accidental conduct, 9
inevitable acc ident, 123
Accountabilit y, 4, 7, 13, 17, 18, 266, 476
governmental i nstitutions, 145, 230.
See also Governmental liability
Act of stranger or God
cattle trespass, 382
dangerous ani mal, escape, 380
f‌ire s, 375, 376
Rylands v Fletcher, rule in, 371–72
scienter action s, 380
Actio per quod co nsortium amisit, 215
Actio per quod se rvitium amisit, 213–14
Advertisi ng of medical products, 152–53
Aff‌irmative actions, duties, 78–85
Agent and princip al
liability of age nt, 395–96
liability of pr incipal, 392, 397
Aggravated damages. See also Damages
defamation, 448
intentional i nterference with the
person, 313
negligence action s, 123–24
“Agony of the moment” rule, 36, 116
Airspace, trespass to, 322–24
cattle trespass. See Cattle trespass
injuries and h arm caused by. See
Scienter action
Anti-SLAPP leg islation, 447
Apologies, 44 6–47
Appeasement , 4, 17
Approved practice, 36 –38
Arrest, lega l authority, 309–10
false impr isonment. See False
Asbestos cases. See Toxic tort cases
Assault, 272–75. See also Intent ional
interference with the person
damages, 274
mere words, 273
threat of imm ediate battery, 272–74
Attorney Genera l injunctions, 420, 422–23
Auditors, duty of care, 190 –92
Augmented risk t heory, 56–57
Battery, 235, 268–72. See also Int en-
tional inter ference with the person
burden of proof, 270
def‌inition, 4, 26 8–69
direct interference, 269–70
medical tr eatment, 301–4
sexual rel ationships, 271–72, 304–6
threat of, 272–75
Breach of conf‌idence, 4 62–63
Breach of contract , 454–56
inducing. See Inducement to breach
a contract
negligent perfor mance of service, 196
Breach of f‌iduciar y duty, 456–60
Builders. See also Products liability
third-party liability, 202, 216–22
warrant ies, 216, 220
Bullying, 295 –96. See also Harassment
nervous shock, 283
Burden of proof, 470. See also Evidence
ba tter y, 270
defa mation, 430
negligence, 50
cause-in-fact , 55, 62
legal malpract ice, 250
multiple tort feasors, 62–63
joint tortfe asors, 63
Business tor ts. See Intentional inter fer-
ence with ec onomic interests
“But for” te st, 54–58
Captain of ai rcraft or ship, use of force,
Case studie s
exemplary tor ts case, 2–7
intentional interference with chattels,
personal i njury damages asse ssment,
133 –35
Cattle trespass, 381–83
defences, 382
act of stranger or God, 3 82
consent, 382
default of plaint iff, 382
distres s damage feasant, 382
elements of liabi lity, 381–82
legislation , 383
self-help remedy, 382
Causation in neg ligence, 54–68, 470. See
also Negligenc e
alternative liability, 62–63
cause-in-fact , 54–62
burden of proof, 55, 62
“but for” test , 54–58
material c ontribution test, 58– 62
multiple tort feasors, 62–63
joint tortfe asors, 63–64
loss of a chance, 65 –66
market share li ability, 64–65
medical tre atment, informed consent
and , 160– 63
misrepresentations, 194
Causes of action
concurrent, 457
derivative, 136, 139– 40
limitat ion periods. See Limit ation
st atut ory, 177–78
Charter of Rights and Freed oms, 463–67
constitut ional torts, 465– 67
tort law applic ation
direct applic ation, 463–64
indirect application, 464–65
Chattels, intentional interference. See
Intentional interference with chattels
counsellors, dut y to parents, 259–60
discipline, 308–9
duty of care toward s, 394–95
educational m alpractice, 243–46
fatal accident s legislation, 136–39
death of child, 13 8
death of parent, 136 –39
parental s upervision, 47
social workers, dut y to parents,
standard of c are in negligence, 45–47
adult activities, 47
contributor y negligence, 46
suing, consideration s, 46
Circumstantial evidence, 51–53
Civil fraud, 336–38. See also Inte ntional
interference with economic interests
Collateral be nef‌its, 132–33, 137
Compensat ion, 14, 18–23
fatalitie s, 124. See also Fatal ity cases
focus of tort law, 3, 4–5, 18–19,
123–24, 475 –77
tension with ot her aspects, 7
government in itiatives, 20–22
personal i njury, 124. See also Per-
sonal injur y claims

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