
AuthorJamie Cassels
Aggravated damages
punitive dam ages distinguishe d,
241– 42, 32 0–21
te rmi nolo gy, 24 0– 41
tort s, 244– 48
additional damages, 244–45
def amat ion, 24 5–47
form of award, 248
intentional t orts, 245
negligence action s, 247–48
property interference, 247
separate head of d amages, 248
Assessment of damages
expectat ion damages, 39–50
alternat ive measures, 47–50
consequential losses, 39–45
cost of perform ance, 45–47
diminution in v alue, 45–47
real estate transactions, 32, 75–77
sale of goods, 24–26
true loss, 46 –50
lost earni ng capacity, 147–61, 167–82
lost chances, 154 –56
positive contingencies, 154–56
residual ea rnings, 151–54
selection of basi s, 150
voluntary und eremployment,
156 –61
lost prof‌its, 39– 45
cumulative c laims, 43–45, 57–59
general princ iples, 39–40
limits on recove ry, 40–43
misappropr iation of chattels, 81–85
time of asse ssment, 82–85
value to owner, 81–82
personal injury claims
chi ldren , 167–70
collateral be nef‌its, 165
contingencies, 142–43
future care co sts, 140, 142
gender-specif‌ic issues, 170–82
interest and in f‌lation, 135–35
lost earni ng capacity, 147–61,
167–8 2
lost homemakin g capacity, 182–91
property interference
damage to proper ty, 91–93
general princ iple, 100–1
non-delivery of prop erty, 75, 81
restitutionary remedies, 119–23
reliance damages
general princ iple, 52
tort claim s, 65–69
time of asse ssment, 460—79
breach of contract, 75 –77
damage to proper ty, 91–93
exceptions to r ule, 464–68
general rule, 4 60–64
interest and in f‌lation, 464
interest windfall, 475–79
mitigation and, 24 –26, 460–68
time of the wron g, 461–62
Betterment. Se e Improvement
Breach of conf‌idence
measure of damages, 122–23
restitution, 294–96
Breach of contract
alternati ve modes of performance,
30 –31
anticipator y repudiation, 442–46
assess ment of damages, 4, 39–50. See
also Assessment of damages
post-breach gain s, effect, 462–63
real estate transactions, 75–77
time of the wron g, 461–68
avoided loss, 455–60
building contr acts, 34
causation, 363. See als o Causation
consequential losses
land sales, 8 0
sale of goods, 29–30
cumulative d amages claims
double recovery, 43–45
lost prof‌its and los ses, 57–59
defective propert y or improvements,
eff‌icient breach, 21–22, 287
“election” rule, 442– 43
employment contra cts. See Employ-
ment contracts
lost chances, 369 –74
generally, 369–73
limits on, 372–74
lost prof‌its. See Lost pr of‌its
lost volume, 28–29, 457, 459
measure of damages
dimini shed value vs cost of per-
formanc e, 106–12
expectat ion measure, 18–23. See
also Expectation damages
general princ iples, 11
reliance mea sure, 50–59. See also
Reliance damages
mitigation of da mages. See also Miti-
gation of dama ges
application of pr inciple, 433–40
before breach, 442– 46
costs incur red in mitigating,
441– 42
principle of, 428
reasonablene ss rule, 430–33
specif‌ic pe rformance situati ons,
468 –75
tim e, 461– 68
non-pecunia ry damages, 248–78
Addis v Gramophone, r ule in,
248 –51
historic al exceptions, 249–50
reasons for r ule, 250–51
current law, 251–77
consumer surplus concept,
employment contra cts, 264–77
intangible e conomic losses,
non-economic subje ct matter,
ordinar y contracts, 259– 64
quantum of da mages, 277–78
performanc e costs vs diminished
value, 45–50, 106–15
alternati ve measures, 47–50,
exa mples , 106– 8, 109
issue explained, 45–46
pre-contract ex penditures, 52–54
true loss, deter mination, 46– 47,
plaintif f-favourable presumptions, 42,
53, 366
pre-contract ex penditures, 52–54,
366–68, 444
property losses
expectat ion damages, 31–32
real estate transactions, 75–80
sale of goods, 81, 87
punitive dam ages, 346–53
bad-faith in surance claims,
350– 53
current law, 348 –50
limited availability, 11, 322,
346 47

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