
AuthorRobert Chambers
Abate, testa mentary gift, 194
Aborigi nal title, 58– 65
Canadian law, 58–59
constitut ional protection, 63– 65
content of title, 59 –62
possessory title, dierences, 60–61
alienation or enc umbrance, 60
communal prop erty, 60
future generation s, 60
non-transferable, 60–61
proof of title, 62– 63
radical tit le of Crown, 34–35
site-specif‌ic r ights, 61–62
Accession, 2 86–88
def‌ined, 283, 286, 291
f‌ixtures, distinguished, 286–87
overlap with sp ecif‌ication and mix-
ture, 283– 84
personal property securit y, 291–92
Actual notice, 252
constructive notice, dierences, 253
deed regist ration systems, 259– 60
title regis tration systems, 264,
Adeem, testa mentary gift, 194
Adminis trator, 192. See also Exec utor
Adminis tratrix, 192. See also
Adverse poss ession, 29–30
prescriptive easements, distin-
guished, 155
Advowson, 130
Adavit of exec ution of will, 193
Armat ive easements. See Pos itive
After-acquired property, 127
Agency, 239–40
imputed not ice, 253–54
Agreement for sale, 108 –9, 221
Agricultural f‌ixtures, 280
Air space, 36 –37
Allodia l title, 35
Allodium, 35
Animal s, property rights, 6, 9–11. See
also Living things
possess ory rights, 27–28
Ascerta ined goods, 231–32
Assigna ble rights, 3–6
administration of estates, 3–4
ba nkr upt cy, 4 –5
licences, 5
Assignme nt of leases, 50–51. See also
f‌ixt ures, 27 7–80
security i nterests, 126, 273
Bailment, 27, 28

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