
AuthorKatherine Ratcliffe
by Katherine Ratclife
First and foremost, I acknowledg e with respect the hi story, customs, and culture of the
Coast Salish and Straits Sal ish peoples upon whose traditiona l lands the University of
Victoria Faculty of Law and Appe al reside.
When I rst met with Ted McDorman last September, he told me that my experience
as Editor-in-Chief would be di erent from those of the past few yea rs’ for two reasons.
Although it had become usual for Appeal to have two Eds-in-Chief, I would be on my
own. It was also t ypical for one of the Eds-in-Chief to be a retu rning Board member with
prior institutional knowled ge and experience, but I was ne w to Appeal. an kfully, the
journal has a n incredible support structure to ensure its succes s.
First I want to recogniz e the eorts of the 2014-15 Appeal Editorial Board. E ach member,
in addition to their duties on the Boa rd, participated in the paper selection process and
worked with an author to prepare their a rticle for publication. Editors a nd authors
exchanged multiple dra fts, working tirelessly to create the st rongest volume possible.
e Appeal Board is a lso indebted to the students, faculty, and sta of the University of
Victoria Faculty of Law. We have received invaluable guidance and support from our
faculty advi sors, Ted McDorman and Mich ael M’Gonigle; for this they have our endless
gratitude. We thank the students who came out to help evaluate submis sions, as well as
the faculty members w ho provided exper t reviews of our top choices. anks al so to the
external rev iewers from outside the UVic community. We could not have completed our
tasks without your in sightful advice.
On behalf of the Boa rd, I also extend sincere t hanks to our pat rons and sponsors.
Without their generous support, we would not have been able to produce thi s journal.
ey have provided so many students w ith incredible ex periences and opportunities.
Last, but certa inly not least, I acknowledge the ta lent and dedication of our authors. is
year we have featured a rticles from law students at UVic, McGill, and Osgoode Hall. I
extend my thank s to every aut hor for the time and eort the y have invested in working
with us. e Board is pa rticularly pleased to present “Rethi nking Baker: A Critical R ace
Feminist eory of Disabi lity” by Alyssa Clutterbuck, winner of the McCa rthy Tétrault
Prize for Exceptional Writing, as well as “Expa nding the Role of Culture in Briti sh
Columbia’s Adoption Scheme” by Michael M.J. Choi, the writing prize run ner-up. e
quality of thi s year’s submissions made for a heated deb ate in selecting a winner.
On a nal celebratory note, I a m especially proud to have been the Editor-in-Chief of the
20th Volume of Appeal. On behalf of t wenty Editorial Boa rds, I thank t he readers who
have kept the journal a live. Please enjoy Volume 20.

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