
AuthorGeoffrey England
Employment law is concerned with r ules that govern the relations be-
tween employers and employees: Who creates the rule s that govern
the job? How are such rules administered and enforced? And what is
the content of the rules? Clea rly, thi s def‌inition is extremely broad.
A worker’s terms and conditions of employment a re determined by a
combination of processes:
           
terms of the employment contract;
 
express or implied term s of the employment contract;
          
through the implied terms of t he employment contract;
        -
ployment contract, such as “reasonable” notice of termination and
“just cause” for summary dismissal; and
           
– substa ntive terms and conditions of employment (e.g., minimum
wages, maximum hours of work, and minimum leaves of absence
for designated purposes, such as childbirth or bere avement);
– safegu ards against arbitrary abuse by the employer of its m an-
agerial prerogatives (e.g., banning discrimination in hiring, pro-
motion, and f‌iring on proscr ibed ground s such as sex, race, and
disability, and requiring discharge to be for just cause);

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