
AuthorRichard D. Schneider
   story on the front page of e Times for
March , under the headline “Assassination of Mr. Drummond,”
was an account of the previous day’s proceedings at the Old Bailey,
London’s Central Criminal Court:
is day having been appointed for the trial of the assassin Daniel
M’Naughten,* every avenue leading to the court was at an early hour
thronged to excess by numbers of well-dressed persons of both sexes,
anxious to hear a case, the excitement of which has not been surpassed
by any of the extraordinary events of a similar character which have
taken place during the last quarter of a century.
Of compelling interest to readers were details about the atmos-
phere in the courtroom, where the sheris had arranged for every door
leading to the court to be kept locked until a few minutes before nine
o’clock, the usual time for commencing business. A number of police
ocers were stationed at each of the court entrances to prevent any
rush from taking place.
Several of the desks were removed from the bench, and their places
were occupied by chairs for the accommodation of those who had ob-
tained tickets of admission. One of the entrances to the court was also
blocked, with benches and chairs placed in front of it in order to ac-
commodate the public.
On the bench and in other parts of the court were a number of
ladies, though fewer by far than the court was evidently in the habit of
seeing when such trials took place. e main section of the courtroom
* Please note the spelling of M'Naughten. While modern-day writers refer to Daniel
as “McNaughten,” this text maintains the original spelling. See p.  for a more
detailed explanation.

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