
AuthorJohn S. Tyhurst
C H A P T E R 1
This book is about Canadia n competition law, which is found primarily
in the provisions of the federal Competition Act a nd related jurispr udence
addressing competitive behaviour in the economy.1 While this book is
focused on the law, the discussion als o touches on topics related to the
broader subject of competition policy, which is a branch of economic
policy concerned with the way competition legislation is designed and
implemented, how market competition can play a role in the operation
of regulatory schemes, the m anner in which other government policies
may aect the competitive market system, and competit ion issues aris-
ing in international fora.
Competition law and policy raise a fa scinating blend of business,
consumer, economic, and legal issues. The legal issues may i nvolve
crim inal, constitut ional, ad ministrative, commerci al, corp orate, tort,
and contract law. It is an area where consumers, businesspeople, law-
yers, economists, and policy makers often engage in a multi-d isciplinary
dialogue. That exchange may occur i n the hearing room in the context
of a contested case, in the board room as part of an advisory or plan-
ning process for commercial or competitive action, or in a legisl ative or
1 Competition Act, RSC 1985, c C-34 [Act]; also re civil adjudic ation, procedure,
and remedies, s ee the Competition Tribunal Act, RSC 1985, c 19 (2nd Supp) and
regulations thereunder.

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