Is the Presumption of Innocence Under Attack?

AuthorMatthew R Gourlay
Thet itleof this chapter posesa question Since this isnot intendedto
beasuspensenovelIwi llgoaheadandan sweritrightothetopThe
Butthisis alsotr uethepresumption ofinnocence isalmost always
underaackA ndthati sunlikelytoc hangeWhat variesovert ime
Myv iewis t hat wei n the legal community are well eq uipped to
resist direct challenges to the presumption of innoc ence that come in
allbeen triedatd ierenttimes bydierentgovernments andmanyof
themcert ainlythe mostegregiousamongt hemhavebeen beaten
backbyCharterchallengesinthecourtsT hedoctrineowingfromsec
tionsandoftheCharterthemostimportant fairtrial protections
isrobustIamoptimistict hatitwillcontinuetobeequaltothetask
I believe that the more insidious challenges to t he presumption
of innocence do not necessarily cr ystallize in legislation They come
from civil society a nd are more concerned with changing aitudes
than changing thelawThe sloganb elievethe victimi sthe mostre
centman ifestation ofth isphenomenon There havebeen many others
throughout Canadian history as dierent perceived threats captu red
the public imagination and dierent moral panics h ave taken hold
 PartnerHeneinHutchi sonLLP
Althought hepresumpt ionof innocence today enjoysenough cultural
prestigetobe mostlysafef romexplic itrepudiationtheextentto which
itretainsitsintegrityasagenuinebulwarkagainstwrongf ulconviction
ATH E G O LDE N T H R E A D A N D T H E
The presumption of innocence ca ntreally be considered in isolation
fromtheothercoreprotectionsgra ntedbyCanadianlawtoanaccused
Afterallt hepresumptionwouldntmeanmuchifitwereaccompanied
byaburden ofproofset onlyatabalanceofprobabilities Inthat scen
ariojustaboutanyevidence fro mthe Crow nmig htbesuc ient tomove
thescalepastthepercentmarka ndcastafunctional burdenofprov
individualmustbe provenguilty beyondareasonabledoubt Second
theCrown mustbear theonus ofproof Thirdc riminal prosecutions
mustbe carr iedout in accordance with lawful procedures andpr in
Thesestra ndscombine toproducewhatLord Sankey inWoolmington v
Director of Public Prosecutionsfamou slyc al led th egoldent hr ead ofE ng
lishcriminallawWhenI use theter mpresumption ofin nocenceI
thread is some versionof Blackstonesdict um that itis beer that
ten guilty person s escape than that one innocent suer The precise
numericalqua nticationof this ratiohas longbeen amaer ofdebate
whynott wenty orahund redButrega rdles sthe underly ingt heor y
thatwecalibratethesystem toerrinthe accusedsfavourisboththe
 R v WhyteSCRatpara
 ACatHL
 WilliamBlackst oneCommentaries on the Laws of EnglandBookIVch
 ApparentlyBenjaminFrank linthoughtth eappropriateratiowasonehundre dto
onewhilethedist inguishedj udgeHenryFriendlycagi lyproposedthatitisbeer
toallowaconside rable numberofguilt ypersonstogofre ethantoconvictany ap precia-
ble numberofin nocentmenBotharequotedi nanentertai ningartic lebyAlexander
VolokhnGuiltyMenUniversity of Pennsylvania Law Revie w

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