Legislative Reform

AuthorDavid M. Tanovich
Legislative Reform
It is time for our governments to act. There is now compelling
evidence that racial prof‌iling is a serious problem in Canada, one
that is jeopardizing the physical and psychological integrity and
dignity of racialized communities across this country. It is also
clear t hat police a nd secu rity forces have no inte ntion of ta king
the necessary steps to determine whether, and to what extent, ra-
cial prof‌iling is a problem within a part icular police service. No
police chie f, for example, has agreed to follow t he lead of Ch ief
Closs of the Kingston Police. Consequently, the burden falls on
the shoulders of our elected off‌icials to take action. Our govern-
ments have a moral and constitutional obligation to act, and, in
addition, international law commitments demand it. Canada is a
signatory to the International Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Racial Discrimination.1 Article 2 of the Inte rnationa l Con-
vention mandates that all State Parties “undert ake to pursue by all
appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating racial
discrimination in all its forms …” Canada is also a signatory to the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.2 Article 4 of
the Covenant is par ticularly signif‌icant in that it permits State Par-

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