Author | Julien D. Payne/Marilyn A. Payne |
Pages | 21-44 |
Engagements are a common prelude to marriage. At the time when the
parties agree to mar ry at some future date, they often exchange gifts as a
token of their commitment. e most common gift , of course, is the en-
gagement ring that is tradit ionally g iven by the prospec tive bridegro om
to his prospective bride. Not every engagement, however, results in mar-
riage. e parties may mutually ag ree to abandon their plans to marr y.
Or either of them may unilateral ly break off the engagement. At one time,
it was possible for the jilted lover to sue the other party for breach of
promise of marriage. ese actions have now been abolished in England,
Scotland, Austral ia, New Zealand, and in s everal American states a nd
Canadian provinces, includi ng British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario.
Most people would agree that it is better for an engagement to be bro-
ken than for a marriage to be entered into after t he parties have second
Statutory abolition of actions for breach of promise of marr iage does not
interfere with the remedies lega lly avai lable to resolve proper ty or other
disputes that arise on the ter mination of an engagement. For example, an
engaged couple may have acqu ired propert y for their future mar ried life
together, either from their individual or joint efforts. In these circum-
stances, if the engagement is subsequently broken off, either part y may
invoke establishe d legal doctrines t o determine their intere st in the prop-
erty. If it was a product of their joint fina ncial contributions, whether
direct or i ndirect, the va lue of the property w ill be shared bet ween them.
If it was acquired solely through t he efforts of one of the parties, that
person wil l be exclusively entitled to t he property. e reason for termin-
ating the engagement would be irrelevant to any such claims. Di fferent
principles apply to gifts made in contemplation of marriage, including
the engagement ri ng. In the absence of express st atutory provi sion to
the contrary, the general common-law rule is that the engagement ring
is forfeited by the party who refus ed to honour the engagement.If the
woman breaks off the engagement, she must return the ri ng. On the other
hand, if the man breaks off the engagement, he can not demand the return
of the engagement ring. In Ontario, the action for breach of promise of
marriage was aboli shed in but section of the Ontario Marriage
marriage. Pursuant to th is statutory provision, where one person makes a
gift to another “ in contemplation of or conditional upon” their marriage
to each other and the marriage fai ls to take place or is abandoned, the
question of whether the failure or abandonment was caused by the fault
of the donor is irrelevant to a determination of the right of the donor to
recover the gift. Whet her a gift has been made in contemplation of or
conditional upon marriage is a question of fact to be determined in light
of the attendant circumsta nces. Birthday presents, for example, would
not be regarded as conditional gif ts. On the other hand, an engagement
ring could prop erly be regarded a s a pledge made in contempl ation of
marriage and should, therefore, be retur ned under the Ontario statutory
provision if the intended marriage d id not take place.
Seiler v. Funk (), O.L.R. (S.C.); Jacobs v. Davies, [–] All E.R. Rep. ;
McArthur v. Zaduk (), R.F.L. (th) (Ont. Sup. Ct .); Cohen v. Sellar, []
All E.R . Rep. ; Robinson v. Cumming (), E.R. . See als o Marcon v. Cic-
chelli (), R.F.L. (d) (Ont. Gen. Div.); for critici sm of this conclusion, see
J.G. McLeod, “Case Co mment: Marcon v. Cicchelli” (), R.F.L. (d) at .
Compare Zimmerman v. Lazare , [] B.C.J. No. (S.C.).
R.S.O.,c.M..R.S.O. , c. M..
But seeBut see contra:Marcon v. Cicchelli (), R.F.L. (d) (Ont. Gen. Div.).
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