New & Updated Resources at CPLEA--Vol. 43-1.

AuthorPeerani, Aaida

LawNow has created a Department called New Resources at CPLEA, which is now a permanent addition to each issue. Each post will highlight what's new, updated/revised or popular at CPLEA. All resources are free and available for download. We hope that this will raise awareness of the many resources that CPLEA produces to further our commitment to public legal education in Alberta. For a listing of all CPLEA resources go to:

Seven new publications have been added to CPLEA's Your rights when renting: Human Rights in Alberta series.

The following resources were funded by the Alberta Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund (HREMF).

Housing for seniors: Nursing homes (NEW)

A nursing home is a place to live for seniors with complex medical needs, where they have 24-hour access to an on-site Registered Nurse. The Nursing Homes Act tells you the rules for nursing homes that operate in Alberta. This tipsheet provides information on what you should know about the Nursing Homes Act, what documents must be provided when you apply and what appeal processes are available to you if you have a problem with your tenancy.

This publication is available in English, Somali, and Arabic. (English) (Somali)

Housing for seniors: Living in a rental property (NEW)

The Residential Tenancies Act applies to seniors who rent their own home, apartment, or condominium. Seniors who rent a place to live have the same rights and responsibilities as other renters. Under the Residential Tenancies Act, renters are called tenants. This tipsheet looks at what you should know about the Act and the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in Alberta.

This publication is available in English, Somali, and Arabic. (English) (Somali) (Arabic)

Housing for seniors: Affordable housing (NEW)

The Alberta Housing Act creates the opportunity for some seniors to live in housing they can afford. This kind of housing is provided through the Alberta Ministry of Seniors and Housing. It is available to individuals who require assistance in obtaining and...

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