
AuthorAllan C. Hutchinson
 :    
See Derek DeCloet, “Ot tawa Urged to Tie Bombardier Aid,” Globe a nd Mail,
March , , B-, and Steven Cha se, “Ottawa Won’t Tie Bombardier Aid to
Reforms,” ibid., March , , B-.
See Eric Regu ly, “Robin Hood Strategy Aids Big Bu siness on Taxpayers’ Dime,”
ibid., April , , B -.
Charles E. Li ndblom, Politics and Mar kets: e World’s Politic al-Economic Sys-
tems (New York: Basic Books, ), .
David Sciull i, Corporate Powe r in Civil Society (Ne w York: New York University
Press, ).
 :    
Abraham Lincol n, letter to Col. Willia m F. Elkins, November , , in e
Lincoln Encyclopaedia, edited by Archer H. Shaw (New York: Macmillan, ),
e literature is thick w ith polemic eorts. Two of the better examples a re John
Micklethwait and Ad rian Wooldridge, e Company: A Sho rt History of a Revolu-
tionary Idea (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, ) (a celebration of the modern
corporation as a source of tremendous produc tivity, innovation, and liber ty), and
Harry Glasbeek, Wealth by Stealth: Co rporate Crime, Co rporate Law, and the
Perversion of Democracy (Toronto: Between the Lines, ) (a severe attack on
corporations as latt er-day feudal baronetcies).

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