Over the Line: Managers' experience of a labour strike

AuthorE. Kevin Kelloway,Austin Scales,Lori Francis
Date01 September 2014
Published date01 September 2014
Over the Line: Managersexperience of a labour
Austin Scales
E. Kevin Kelloway*
Lori Francis
Saint Marys University
The experiences of managers who continue to work
through a labour stoppage is a largely overlooked question
in industrial relations research and practice. Qualitative
long interviews were conducted with managers who
worked through a strike. A shared narrative for managers
strike experiences emerged. Managers perceived that their
prestrike workplace was cooperative and characterized by
positive labour-management relationships. The strike was
experienced as contentious and personalized with man-
agers reporting that they and their families were targets
of aggression from strikers. The managers envisioned a
more formal poststrike workplace characterized by less
collegial labour-management interactions. We discuss the
implications of these f‌indings and call for further research
on managersexperiences of industrial relations events.
Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
JEL Classif‌ications: J50
Keywords: labour strike, labour-management relationships,
managersexperiences, work stoppages, industrial relations
Les expériences des directeurs qui ont continué á travailler
pendant un arrêt de travail sont un parent pauvre des
recherches et de la pratique en relations industrielles. La
présente étude est basée sur de longues entrevues qualita-
tives menées auprès des directeurs ayant travaillé pendant
une période de grève. Du dépouillement de leurs récits se
dégage un point commun : avant la grève, le climat de tra-
vail était convivial, caractérisé par une relation saine entre
les travailleurs et la direction. La grève était vécue comme
un évènement litigieux et personnalisé et certains directeurs
ont fait état dactes de violence perpétrés contre eux ou
contre leurs familles par les grévistes. Daprès les
directeurs, la grève a créé un environnement de travail plus
impersonnel avec moins de collégialité dans les interactions
directionemployés. Larticle sachève par une analyse des
implications des résultats et propose des pistes pour
lapprofondissement des recherches sur les expériences
que les directeurs ont des événements liés aux relations
Although comparatively rare (Bluen, 1994), strikes have
a dramatic impact on both the individuals and organizations
involved (Gallagher & Gramm, 1997). For the organization,
strikes can reduce productivity and prof‌its (Bluen, 1994) and
draw negative media attention (Puette, 1992). For individ-
uals, studies illustrate that strikes are stressful (Barling &
Milligan, 1987; Bluen & Barling, 1988; Francis & Kelloway,
2005), potentially violent (Francis, Cameron, & Kelloway,
2006), and contribute to the polarization of attitudes (Stagner
&Ef‌lal, 1982). Strikes may also be stressful for third parties
(Day, Stinson, Catano, & Kelloway, 2006) who may experi-
ence a loss of services during the dispute.
Although the available data on strike experiences speak to
the experiences of striking union members and even third
parties, there is a dearth of research on the experiences of man-
agers during a strike. We believe that this is an important omis-
sion for at least two reasons. First, strikes are potentially
challenging and stressful experiences for managers. Managers
are often at the front-line of labour disputes. As the indivi duals
This research was supported by grants from the Nova Scotia Health
Research Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanitites Research
Council of Canada to the second and third authors. We thank Anthony
Yue, Nick Turner, and three anonymous reviewers for comments on an
earlier version of this manuscript
*Please address correspondence to: E. Kevin Kelloway, Department of
Psychology, Saint Marys University, Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3, Canada.
Email: kevin.kelloway@smu.ca
Note:Corrections added on 2 October2014 after initial onlinepublication on 2
September2014. The title has been corrected fromManagersexperience of a
labour strike†’ to Over the Line: Managersexperience of a labour strike†’.
The French abstracthas been added.
Mots-clés: grève, relations employés-direction, expériences des
directeurs, arréts de travail, relations industrielles
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Revue canadienne des sciences de ladministration
31: 175186 (2014)
Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1289
Can J Adm Sci
31(3), 175186 (2014)Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 175

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