Parliamentary employees

AuthorChristopher Rootham
 
As stated in Chapter ree, employees of the House of C ommons, Senate, and
Library of Parliame nt are not covered by the Public Ser vice Labour Relations
Act or the Public Ser vice Employment Act, nor are they covered by t he Canada
Labour Code. Instead, t hey are covered by the Parliamentary Employment and
Sta Relations Act. When PESRA was rst enacted in , it was designed to be
very simila r to the Public Service Sta Relations Act then in force. As discussed
in previous chapters, the Public Service Sta Re lations Act underwent some sig-
nicant revi sions in , and then agai n in  when it became t he PSLRA.
PESRA , on the other hand, has not undergone the se same revisions. erefore,
some of PESRA is di erent from the current PSLR A because of changes to the
PSLRA, and some of PES RA is dierent from the PSLRA because of dierences
deliberately made when PESR A was enacted. However, for the most part, PESR A
is very simila r to the PSLRA. It is ad ministered by the Pu blic Service L abour
Relations Board (PSLRB), and the Boa rd follows precedent from PSLRA in decid-
erewereroughlyemployeesoftheHouseofCommonsin,andanotherere were roughly  e mployees of the House of Commons in , a nd another 
employees of the Librar y of Parliament. e Senate ha d roughly  employees in .
See Vaid v. Canada (House of Commons), []  S.C.R.  at para.  [Vai d], a nd also
e Senate of Canada Annua l Report –, online: w mation/
Public Serv ice Labour Relations Act , S.C. , c. , s.  [PSLRA]; Public Serv ice Em-
ployment Act, S.C . , c. , ss.  & ; Canada Labour Code, R.S.C. , c. L- . See
House of Commons v. Canad a (Labour Relations Board), []  F.C.  (C.A.).
Parliamentary Employ ment and Sta Relations Act, R .S.C.  (nd Supp.), c. 
Public Serv ice Sta Relations Act, S.C. –, c. ; Public Ser vice Sta Relations Ac t,
R.S., , c. P-.

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