Pickup and Calvin, 1939-52

AuthorC. Ian Kyer
M C hapter N
DRSR   thepa rtnersco ntinuedtoca lltheir rm
Fasken, Robertson, Aitchison, Pickup & Calvin. There was a Robert son in
Justice that was being invoked. Going forward, however, the last two names,
Pickup and Calvin, were the bright lights in a n otherwise unimpressive ros
terJWandCollastheysignedtheirleerstoeachot herhaddeveloped
a good working relationship over the last twenty years, to go with their legal
skills and growing rep utation.
Only four partners remai ned to sign the partnersh ip agreement of
Jan uar y Fask en Ait chi so nP ick upa ndCa lvi n The doc ume ntr eec ted
Alex Fasken’s age and changing role. He was still a force to be reckoned
withbut hewas nowsixtyseven yearsold Heremained managerof the
partnership business w ith full authority to engage and discharge employees
andtoxtheirsalar iesorremunerationandtodenetheirdutiesandtox
and allow bonuses and gratuities,” but “in the absence of said Fasken those
powers were to be exercised by a majority of the said Aitchison, Pickup and
Calvin, or such one of them as they mig ht appoint.” It was agreed that
solong assa idFaskeni sable toaend tobusi nessal loce furnitu refur
nishings library typewriters and equ ipmentare the sole propert yof said
onha nda ndaccou ntsa ndbil ls receivablea ndal lot hera ssets oft he rm
shallbelongtotheremai ningpartnersoft hermprorataaccordingtotheir
respective interest i n the partnership.
Each partner was to receive a base salaryFasken received  but
AitchisonPickupandCalvi ngoteachandAlexsentitlementtoany
Freedofsomeof theadmi nistrativeburdenof therm Alexand Isabel
took a world cruise and when they returned he spe nt more time on his hob
bies. He was an ardent golfer, playing all year. He was a member of the
Mississauga Golf and Country near h is country estate, Ialfa, on the Credit
River and played there from spring till fall. Du ring the winters, he went to
St. Petersburg, Florida, so that he could continue to play. He was such a regu
lar winter golfer that he hired hi s own permanent caddy in St. Pete’s, a Black
man by the name of Henry Willows.
In A lex gained considerablenotoriet y fora nother of his hobbies
highst akespoker Hewas areg ular memberof aFriday night gameat
the King Edward Hotel. One night John Scully of Owen Sound played. It
was a night when Alex Fasken was acting as the clearing house for poker
winnings Scul lythought that hehad won in one oft hegames but
Alex disagreed and would not pay him. Nothing came of Sc ully’s complaint
for some time; he spent the next few years in the United States. When he
returned to Canada howeverhe took to sta lking Alex in an eort to co 
erce him into paying. He knew that Alex was in the habit of eating lunc h
each day at the National Club on Bay Street, a short distance from the law
oceScul lybegant ohangaboutthelobbyof theExcel siorLifeBu ildingo n
Toronto Street. When Alex walked through the lobby on his way to lunch,
Scully would badger him, walking beside him al l the way to and from the
club. Alex began to fear for his safety and had Pickup pay a visit to Inspec tor
VernonofPoliceStationNoonCou rtStreet toaskforapolice escortTh e
escort was not immediately granted but shortly thereafter Pickup cal led the
inspectorsaying that Scully wasphysicallyi nthe rmsocerefusing to
leaveTheinspectorpromptlys entoveranocerto showScullyoutFrom
thatpointAlex wasgivenhis policeescortSc ullywasnotputoHe con
Scully was incensed a nd brought a lawsuit against both the arrest ing of
cerandAlex forconspirac yassaultfalsea rresta ndimprison ment These
were serious charges. Initial ly Pickup and Calvin prepared Alex’s defence,

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