Preface to the second edition

AuthorM.H. Ogilvie
To the Second Edition
Re-reading the preface to the f‌irst edition of this book, I f‌ind th at my
remarks there remain apposite for this second edition, notwithstand-
ing the remarkable proliferation of jurisprudence relating to religious
institutions and the civ il law in Canada in the interveni ng six years.
Media reports on a dai ly basis record numerous interactions of religion,
religious institutions, and the law in relation to almost every conceiv-
able human activity. Indeed, impressions suggest their acceleration in
volume, intensity, and signif‌icance for the future of civil society a nd
liberal democracy in Canada. Recounting the l aw may, at least, remind
us of where we have been but not necessarily of where, as a society, we
may be going.
The law is stated to 31 December 2001, but later amendments have
been made where possible.
In addition to reassert ing the gratitude ex pressed in the preface
to the f‌irst edition to those who as sisted in the production of that edi-
tion, I want to express my gratitude to those who have assisted i n this
second edition. I acknowledge the kindness of t he following who pro-
vided new information for chapter 3: the Rev. Debra Dempsey, Pastor,
First Baptist Church, Ottawa, and Mr. Fred Neal, the Anglican Diocese
of Ottawa Archives.
I wish to than k Carswell, the publisher of the f‌ir st edition, for its
original foresight in publishing a volume on this topic, but especially
for its gracious reassign ment to me of the copyright to that volume so
that it might be published beyond the legal community. I am especia lly

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